
Those people generally work on the real cars, rather than piddle away their time on the small stuff :P

A negative article about Apple on Giz? OMGWTF

Still not in every window, apparently. See 0:55-1:06. Does that make anyone else cringe? Resizing a window by dragging each edge just makes me shudder. It's so slow! Win7's 'Win Key + Arrow Key' shortcuts FTMFW here. A godsend with multiple monitors and several open windows. I can realistically use 4 windows at

A job suits that purpose... I'm not sure, but I'm guessing they wouldn't be saving the money anyway. Booze isn't gonna help them much.

For most people, it's irrelevant anyway. I've never used it and have a hard time seeing why I would.... bragging about game scores? I'm not 12, so I don't care... That said, there are apps that make it easy if rooted. Not a game breaking feature for me regardless.

haha. That's why if a homeless person asks me for cash for food, I just buy 'em a burger & fries if convenient - I don't carry cash anyway... I don't buy them lunch every time, but I have a heart :)

I'm nearly 100% credit/debit cards & also a fan. I think I've spent maybe $100 in the last 3-4 months in cash, most of it parking fees for sporting events...

*slow golf clap* *crickets*

Not in Texas :) You can get a very good steak for $20-30 here, not a tiny one. $60? ha!

I guess that's where my DX has an advantage - I can add storage space... I've got 40GB in mine (32GB card + 8GB internal) and a couple other 16GB and 8GB cards, so 64GB if I really needed it and switched out cards... Same with batteries, I could go months without a charger, if I bought 15-20 batteries per month

Watch yourself. Anti-southernerism seems to be the only currently seemingly acceptable form of racism....

Where? I'm no Creationist, but I'm at least familiar with how they come up with their crazy stuff. The 6k years idea stems from a guy (forget his name) who summed up all of the lifespans of people in the bible's geneologies up until they coincided with historical records and based his estimate on that. Not scientific

You have your definition of theory wrong. Common mistake with YECs. Google it. Also, Evolution & Big Bang theories aren't a matter of faith. There is good evidence pointing to both and they both are revised and change as evidence is found that better explains things. Creationism, on the other hand, has absolutely

There were still likely many more species than would fit on a boat, if less than there are today at all (depending on how far back you claim this happened - 5k years ago, same # of species give or take a few). That's the least of the logistical ridiculousness. How do you feed all of them? What about predators that

The question is, how long were Noah's arms? Who knows, doesn't matter as no such boat ever existed. Fitting all animals on one boat is a laughably absurd prospect (they would eat each other or starve, not to mention fill the boat with feces and quickly spread disease throughout the ship).


Descriptions and measurements in the bible... Though the need for steel reinforcement seems to say that such a large boat would have been impossible to build back when it was supposedly built... Since steel didn't exist and all...

Fact is, if someone you send something to wants to reshare it, they can and will regardless... If they can see it, they can share it. Just download the picture or copy the text and share it as if new, adding comments if needed. Just don't share something sensitive with anyone you don't trust will keep it to

Why make a separate GPS device? Apple already has the iPhone. I use my DX as a GPS and it works great. Maybe iPhone lacks turn by turn voice navigation (it did last I checked, I don't follow Apple religiously) and has a tiny screen, but Garmin GPS screens are about 3.7-4" for the most part, aside from some 5"

Still, better answer would be to open it up for further distribution, rather than being dicks about it. HFCS is cheaper, otherwise they'd use sugar in the regular recipe anyway. IE they're greedy (customer wants one thing - obviously, it's "healthier" than HFCS and tastes better - but $$ says give them a substitute