
Exactly what I was about to post. He's paper rich, but is probably not extremely cash rich (most likely, who knows what revenue he's getting from FB since it's private).

Or you can hide the text file in a jpeg. Put it in a password protected .rar and then hide the .rar in the jpeg. No one will be the wiser, just hide the jpeg in with a bunch of other ones (and don't accidentally delete it or edit it) and when you want to check a PW just open the .jpeg with WinRar/7-zip or something

And king of the moronic decisions is the I-35 and 183 / 114 interchange. Oh hai 18 wheeler, we be merging into you now. Scared the piss out of me the first time I drove through it - didn't know the lanes merged at once with no parallel section or anything, so I didn't even look. Got damn lucky... and have always

Learning a la the Matrix. Want to learn organic chemistry? There's an app for that. :P

BMW's S54 (E46 M3 for those not in the know). 104 hp/liter and 8k redline :)

For all intents & purposes, they're the same... Unwanted software that breaches users' security and can cost people money. They're not invulnerable, they're just invisible (low market share).

It's better than no evidence and just hot air claims :) You speak out of pure ignorance, as my PC is plenty fast and reliable. I've used Macs. Didn't live up to the hype. Pretty shells, but mid-range specs for the price.

Have you been hiding in a cave? Or perhaps just another iFanboi?

I've had the same computer since 2007. PC. In the same period, my brother has had 2 macbooks fail on him and a friend has had a macbook give up the ghost as well (he didn't replace it with a macbook). You need to back up your claims, not just spout bullshit about them lasting longer. I'm not going to waste my time



IMO, Chris' version looks much cooler. That is more like the bastard love child of a Segway and a hovercraft. Max speed of 50mph and clearance of 10-15 inches...

Not to mention I'd not own a car living in NYC. And I love cars. It just wouldn't be worth the large amount of money and hassle... Everything is more expensive in large cities like NYC. That's another reason people live in the 'burbs.

I think they do it that way specifically to drive people to their fb page... Annoying, though since it takes several clicks... Thanks!

Can you please start linking directly to the large one too? clicking through 6x is a wee bit annoying... Does it make Jalopnik money on FB or something?

I meant from your other songs - IE if you're listening to another artist & album in the music player, wouldn't you have to switch it out for the Bjork app to listen to that album? So you couldn't include it in playlists, etc?

VW Passat BlueMotion.

Access to Bjork song app albums isn't exactly groundbreaking... Hopefully it would come with .mp3s as well, since having to switch apps to listen to a specific album would suck. Bjork is only doing it for iPad because it has the largest market share right now, not any technical reason. Android tablets have some

The problem is stupid government waste as much or more than low tax revenue. If they got their heads out of their arses and stopped spending money on ridiculous crap they'd be better off. How about this novel concept: no earmarks. If something can't pass on its own, it can't pass at all. Less defense spending would be

So you wouldn't like being able to hit one button and "share this" on FB, or save it as a note in Evernote, or read it later with Instapaper from within the stock browser? I haven't used iOS much, but reading instapaper's how-to on saving pages makes me laugh. Bookmarklets? Inserting i's into URLs? heheh... Easy as