
Moron. Who gives a flying fuck in space about dolphins when people are losing everything and even dying. Seriously. Oh and bt dubs, karma is a farce.

and never bothered wondering where his bike went?

Aw, could have made it more fun - squeeze hard when they ask easy questions (what is your name?) and don't squeeze on the hard ones. Or squeeze them randomly, or to the beat of a song... :P

Ads? What "ads"? :P ABP ftw. I turn off adblock on sites I like that have non-intrusive ads. Giz fails the non-intrusive test. (in the article feed? really?)

Except for in China it is only enforced in urban areas - rural people are exempt. It is punished with a fine. it also has the unintended consequence of increasing abortions of female babies due to preference for males (carry on family line/name), thereby helping create a gender imbalance. It is only officially

1 - condoms are cheap. Also, it doesn't solve the problem that many people believe having lots of kids is a "very good thing" even in Africa. Try convincing them that it isn't.

What, praytell is the solution then? IQ tests for "human breeding licenses"? Mass sterilization in developing/"3rd world" nations? It seems like the popular campaign for reducing overpopulation is only subscribed to by those "in the know" or the "educated." Which, as you've pointed out, would push us towards

let me know when you find a society of crows that has invented smartphones and the internet. I think it is fair to say that we are far and away the most intelligent species, as no evidence begins to say otherwise. The complexity of our inventions and society is unmatched, at least on earth. You might be right if there

"the rate at which the people are reproducing is unsustainable"

Yep, since she's sterilized herself because she "opposes giving birth." WTF!? Hmmm. A basic biological necessity for humankind's survival. Evil. Right.

That's hilarious! I had to google it, since I couldn't believe they'd seriously do that. Yes, yes they did. Sea kittens... What next, renaming spiders as fluffy bunnies?

Thank you! I, being a dolt and complete audio novice, set my floorstanding speakers at "large" thinking that it was referring to how loud/high a volume they could handle. Then I wondered why my expensive setup sounded "muddy" in most audio. Heck, I sometimes had issues hearing the vocals through the drums and

My desk has to be the most boring of all - nothing on it except for deal tombstones :P

0-60 in 8.5 tells me already it's not my kinda car. My previous car got 0-60 in 7.1 and was too slow for me. It's not really feasible for me to test drive every car in existence, but I draw the line at 6.5-7 seconds 0-60 to remain interesting if style and features don't grab me (which the Golf's don't, MPG aside).

I went down to the Verizon store to test one out - I love the tablet, very slick UI and solid feeling device, but I can't get myself to purchase the 3/4G version. It doesn't make sense - why pay $200 more for one with data when it's gonna be a) mostly used in my apartment and b) can tether to my existing Droid X at

Strangely, I have absolutely no desire to drive something like a diesel Golf. It could get 100 mpgs, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun as my current "gas guzzler." Yep, I get 15mpg and my car is a coupe. It's not like I'm spending more than $100/mo on gas... Some of us spend more than that on coffee and new

Rubber bumpers don't help, unless you're a complete ass. They can still leave marks and dents in other cars... I avoid parallel parking at all because of that issue. I once saw a person park by feel - back into the car behind them, then drive forward until they hit the car in front of them and repeat until they

Her car was also probably made of more than carbon fiber bits, etc. Zondas aren't exactly designed with crumple zones & safety as top priorities :P