
This just mystifies me - how does he know if the image is in focus, both when taking and developing the photo? How does he know if there is dirt or a hair, etc on the paper? (German Shepherds shed a lot).

He invented neither and isn't destroying anything... Tablets, especially the iPad, are no replacement for real laptops or desktops. Netbooks are more functional than the iPad...

Now playing

@sollipse: You'd understand WHY they "adore" Kim Jong Il a lot more if you fully knew the situation in N.Korea. The fact is, they have multiple large prison camps that are the government's primary means of keeping the populace in check. If you say anything negative about or in opposition to the government, your

@Whitson Gordon: They're alphabetical, from left to right and then down, like a book... Or, if you for some reason still have it in category mode, just click the "view bysmall/large icons" button at the top right... Or you can just type what you're looking for into the start menu. I usually just do that.

@ps61318: I prefer them too... More masculine, less fruity. The only thing I like about the MacBooks is the aluminum body - solid metal, melikey. All one button touchpad? Wonky keyboard (Windows user)? Slot-load only disk drives? Not so much.

@Hvedhrungr: Geeks tend to care more about customization than the "it just works" factor. I'd rather put up with a few technical glitches than be completely locked in and limited to how Apple believes I should use my device. I take it you're not a "geek" considering you haven't even bothered to jailbreak your

@scingram: I really, really dislike it... I noticed as well that articles tend not to load properly if you have adblock enabled. Everything looks greyed out, but that problem goes away if I disable adblock. No thanks. I would understand why, but if you're gonna force the issue I'm going elsewhere. Or just using

@justinpe: Perhaps some iOS apps are exclusive and worthwhile, but there are "other ways" to get at some stuff for the technically inclined. Netflix, granted, is one hurdle that Android can't get over - due almost solely to studios' requirement for DRM. Android has access to all the Flash games on the web, which

@Se7en_speed: I agree. Jalop's new format makes it more difficult to read through. I can read the main story, or just the titles of the others. For the others, I have to click each of them to read them. Many articles here I just read from the home page and if an article is longer + holds my interest I click in...

iPhone is getting stale... Android is rapidly surpassing iOS when itcomes to actual features rather than marketing hype. (I've always said that Appleis a marketing company that just happens to sell computers and mobile devices...) Android has widgets, for one. Then there's flash (still very useful if you want a real

same problem here, also in dfw. HiPo summer tires ftw! I'm stuck in my apt though since it's my only car...

It's on Android too, and Nokia and Blackberry. Any reason you focused on the iPhone version other than can haz mor pageviews?

@Sokkelo: It looks like a mildly surprised toad. Yech.

@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: Verizon MiFi. AT&T phone. VerizonAT&T. Joke understood? Of course, that'd be a really expensive way to boost signal, considering you will soon be able to get an iPhone on Verizon...

@SkipErnst: Yes! We're all time travelers. To bad we're only able to go back in time by 0.000000000000000000001 seconds. Unless we're looking at the stars. In which case, it could be anywhere from 4.2 years (closest star other than the sun) to 13.22bn ago.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: But but you can't p-p-prove it's wrong! You haven't proved how far away the stars are. Grab a measuring tape and come back when you've measured it for real. None of this "redshift" crap, now, ya hear?!?

@willyolio: Methinks it was a joke on the fact that the telescopes are all pointed one direction...

@fuchikoma: Yeah, I never ride when it's THAT bad. If people are having a hard time seeing in cars, they're not seeing you. Which is bad. Very, very bad. :(

Is it just me that doesn't get the significance of losing the achievement score? It's just a number. I don't know of anyone that's impressed either way if your gamerscore is 1,000 or 100,000. I can see how the "Cheater" tag would be harmful, though. I don't even know what my gamerscore is...