
@Frank Grimes: Depends on his circumstances and how far he's moving... Riding 1000 miles just to prove you're not a "poser" is dumb. I trailered my bike when I moved since I have a car too. Honestly, on highways there's little point in riding a motorcycle. Straight lines suck.

@Dezerus Richardson: Who mourned the pirates? All I heard about the event was that the Seals were great shots...

The people using this app while driving are the worst drivers of all... You shouldn't be looking at a friggin smartphone while driving. To text, play music, or report people for driving poorly...

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@Subarufu: Add cost of mounting and balancing the tires, 2x/yr if you switch to summer tires.

@hostile-17: I believe you have misunderstood the point of what I've been saying... I'm just reasoning why it's very understandable that people would have that assumption in the first place and fail to make a national distinction in their declaration. Not that everyone should know the site's demographics or look

@hostile-17: I feel you might be taking nationalism a bit too serious. I was under the impression that you deeply cared about people knowing what nationality you are, which is why I mentioned flags in profile pics...

@hostile-17: Tough noogies, I guess. If you really care, make your profile pic w/ a flag of your country. Stats back up assumptions. Bothering with asking what country people are from isn't generally worth the effort.

@hostile-17: Many people assume that everyone is from the US on websites. Why? I dunno. Perhaps it's because the site is in English, hosted in the US and mostly covers stuff intended for US consumption.

@ClintonD: "Their internet culture is almost totally isolated from the rest of the world."

@vietiscool: No "probably" necessary. It would hurt. The only way it wouldn't is if you have no nerves/feeling. More detailed, perhaps, but not more valid. Their measure of severity wouldn't be of much use except relative to their own pain tolerance - people have different pain thresholds... Regardless, an eye

@vietiscool: No probably necessary. Someone might be more descriptive, but only someone with a complete absence of nerves or feeling could think that it doesn't hurt. I've been hit in the head by a bat and it was extraordinarily painful (about 1/2 inch above the eye). Do you want to

@maximum_sarge: In that case, congrats. I usually operate under the assumption that internet comments are 95% BS. I'd estimate fewer than 1% of people have driven cars with 500+ you're in a rare club :P I've seen way, way too many examples of people who thought they could handle it and only end up wrecking

@vietiscool: The idea that you must experience something in order to comment/judge it is fundamentally flawed. "I've never been stabbed in the eye, so I'm not going to comment on what it feels like" is just as valid. I am on FB, but agree with what IMP says. FB culture is largely childish, petty and overly

@maximum_sarge: Somehow I doubt 800+ horsepower is as easy to handle as you think, unless you've actually driven a car with near that much power... (In which case, congrats).

@maximum_sarge: I'm sure you have the skills you claim you have to deal out 860 hp. Because not accidentally running it into a wall is real easy when dealing with that kind of power.

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A Merc SL65 AMG (Biturbo V12, 600 HP, 730 lb/ft of torque)