
@njdevil misses the old days: That was hilarious. Actually more efficient too... Considering the options (shutting it down and cleaning it...)

WWF, I have news that will make you very unhappy. As a summer intern, I was tasked with printing out an entire dataroom of documents for physical filing (I don't know why, but as intern... I do what told). 6 or 7 stacks, each 1-2 feet high. Probably upwards of 3,000 pages. Probably never to be read. I

@johnnyabnormal: Numbers don't lie as long as they help your cause. If someone attached #s to the examples Quasigizmodo gave, then the numbers would be telling more of the whole truth. Not telling the whole truth is kinda like lying, so one could say your simplistic numbers are actually the ones that are lying...

@Cochese 2.0: Oops. I meant to reply to carolinajwl...

@carolinajwl: that's one reason I wouldn't buy an ipad :) don't complain though, since you knew of the limitation when you bought it. If you wanna complain, talk to Jobs. Btw, I can watch the video fine on my android phone :D

The Lambowagon!

I could see this working if a large portion of your job involved reading, but I have to type most of the time, so this wouldn't work for me at all...

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Judging by this video and what I've heard, I wouldn't even take a taxi. Trains and walking only. And staying far away from roads while walking...

If that Chinese voice recognition is accurate (I can't tell, don't know Chinese), mad props to google (or whoever created that bit of tech). I'd expect Chinese would be one of the hardest languages to get working with voice recognition - since tone affects meaning...

@Cochese 2.0: Flash - it's what Jobs decided you shouldn't have. Happy?

hahaha. Those Israeli engineers got 'em good. Of course, now President Racist will have it destroyed and probably make some ridiculous statement, but it lasted over 30 years so props to the Israelis.

@Destinysface: Android phones need to be rooted for it to work. I use the Shoot Me app for screenshots (free).

And here is where PCMac. I can easily stream all of my media, music, videos, recorded tv, live tv, you name it to my tv via windows mce and to my android phone as well. I have 100s of dvds and blu rays and can watch them wherever I am. Free. On multiple devices. tho there is the fact that ripping the blu rays is still

The French flag? Should be red-white-blue for American. Unless Sir Mix-A-Lot drives only in reverse.

@darkly: iDevices FTL here. I'd do the same, but I don't need to as of yet - never get below 40% charge in a day and always charge at night...

Hmmmm... Now where did I stash that $2m... I swear it was in the mattress...

@coodgenducta: I was thinking more along the lines of the fact that they are waiting in line for black friday shopping in order to save money... How much money saved vs. time spent is the question. The time they spent has to have come from vacation days, so obviously the comparison is how much are vacation days

@coodgenducta: That's assuming they make minimum wage... Not likely. They probably are salaried employees. If I did this, it wouldn't cost me anything (except a weeks worth of vacation days + respect of coworkers). Plus, I don't know many people that work the standard 8hrs/day, 5 days a week schedule. I work more

@hostile-17: I don't have a spare. My car doesn't come with one. Neither do I have run flats - for the same reasons you list. If I get a flat.... AAA is my only option.