
@Bitterleaf: Sorry. Bad moment, didn't like the idea that if I wanted a multi-touch phone I'd have to go Apple. My dislike for Apple is irrelevant, though. I haven't studied law, but they probably have a good legal case.

Screw Apple... I've sworn off their products completely because A) they're overpriced and B) crap like this.

@hostile-17: Being aware helps minimize losses much more. I bet more people are hit by distracted drivers going approx. the speed limit than by alert drivers that are speeding. Speeding is almost never the sole cause of an incident. Texting/talking on cell phones while driving is far worse an offense than speeding

@xunker: I have a feeling it needs the data connection as well. And they'd get suspicious when you start driving 450mph.

Netbooks. Cheaper than iPads, apparently a lot more capable. Jobs was wrong.

@sarge5: Methinks that's a ways out. To my imagination, building anything atom by atom would take a very long time...

@TAInvestor: Video's editor is a dolt? It was automatically set by a improperly set video camera's date function? (unlikely)

@hawkeye18: I doubt the modified version can corner... I think that was the point, since he was referring to this video. The mods necessary for straight line speed like that aren't exactly the best idea for cornering ability. (fat rear tires, much smaller front tires, different suspension setup, etc)

@ElemenopEE: By 1/100 of an ounce! The travesty!

@ender89: Nope. I don't buy their products :P

* Apps that are not very useful or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected

Surprising. The same thing that happens if you stick two mirrors facing each other. yawn.

You know what's kinda strange about the LA Times story? The journalist, Steve, has a medical marijuana permit in CA. Which he got from a gynecologist. For "back pain." Again - gynecologist. Let that sink in. Why was STEVE at a GYNECOLOGIST? Something tells me he wanted pot, not a cure for "back pain." That's

Right now, I wouldn't buy either. The watteveritscalled is ugly and the Tesla is overpriced for the performance - Exige is cheaper, better, as previously mentioned.

@disproportionate-response: hahahaha. I actually met someone who threw rocks at the Israeli embassy. (#3) Not a candidate for Mensa, that's for sure.

@OCEntertainment: I beat that one. I agree, it was a pain. Getting the whole 'house' to topple was quite... frustrating lol.

@Tommy Five: But couldn't you get a better real video camera for $3,500 plus the cost of the DSLR than you get with this setup? I can't imagine that this setup is optimal for video compared to dedicated video cameras...

hmnmmm.... Great idea. Look, a helicopter chasing some bad guys. Let's shoot at it to let them know we are here. I see nothing wrong with this plan...

@DocHobo: Well, if gay is the way you roll, have fun. :P