
Suck a duck EPA... I gaye the ethanol crap. Worse mpg and bad for some cars, and no benefit for anyone but the corn farmers (corporations)

@Hypnic Jerk: I'd be more afraid of the real world version of GTA me - stopping traffic with a firetruck and launching a few 'nades & rockets makes for the biggest 'splosions =D

@bigd7387: Churches don't typically have bingo nights with cash prizes... at least none of the ones I've ever heard of have. I haven't really heard anything regarding churches + lottery...

@Chrisizhigh: I do as well. I'd gladly pay for Showtime if I could get just Showtime. Unfortunately, in order to get the channel I would have to subscribe to a movie package at $30 a month extra. Sorry Verizon, but it's not quite worth it.

If he got it first, and his name is actually Justin Bieber, he should be able to keep it and the singer can just suck it up. Although I'm betting the Sr. Justin Bieber doesn't mind dropping the facebook acct. because of all the retarded fans emailing/calling/mailing him crap.

I'm actually hoping they don't bring an iPhone to Verizon... The impact on the network could be bad. Plus, I still wouldn't buy one (even free...)

I'm not exactly an eco-friendly drive-a-prius type guy, but this ad completely eliminates any chance of my participation in the 'event.' Dubious claims that anthropogenic carbon emissions are driving climate change which is in turn causing the deaths of people are ridiculous enough without making an ad where people

I have a couple better ideas: 1) Don't be the fastest driver on the freeway. If everyone's going slow, perhaps there's a speed trap that the locals know about or the area is heavily patrolled (again, locals know).

Of course, now I need one. Just have to save up all of my income and refuse to pay taxes for a couple years....

@spuy767: My 955cc Speed Triple costs me $103 a month to insure. My M3, on the other hand, costs me $112 a month.

@ShantJ: luddite. The good one's are better than 6 speeds in performance and convenience. The manual is going the way of the carbureted engine. It just makes much more sense for Ferrari and other auto makers. Most buyers of this type of car are older and don't care as much about the 'feel' of the stick-shift.

"I use my browser more than my operating system"

@Urabutln: lol. Ants do have a big weakness though - size. *squishes an ant*

@Urabutln: lol. They do have one significant weakness - shoes. *squish*

@Death By Cornbread: Where I live, cops regularly leave their cars idling while they are eating lunch. I know because I've walked past a patrol car that was on, with no occupant, then noticed the cops in a restaurant chowing down :P. That's happened multiple times, at the same restaurant.

I don't know of any banks that will email you forgotten passwords. My bank requires your SSN and the account # or debit card #, plus security questions.

@GreenN_Gold: I can shift down or up multiple gears quite quickly in my M3. You don't have to engage each gear. For example, I can be cruising in 6th and drop 3 gears in less than a second and accelerate.

@GreenN_Gold: I'm guessing that the other transmission is a DCT/DSG/SMG type flappy paddle gearbox, so choosing your own gear is possible regardless. It's just sequential and paddles rather than a shifter and pedals.