
@Flathead Smith: I don't think the issue is demand for better fuel economy from consumers... More likely, it's governments demanding we "save the planet" by saving gas :<. For example, the CAFE program.

@turbo steve: Bugatti Veyron price = 100 Speed Triples

@Nitrous Oxide: You won't catch a bike at 0-60 unless you have a Veyron or have modified your car to be that fast. A Hayabusa will hit 60 in 2.3-2.6 seconds, likely at least twice as quickly as whatever you drive. And they cost less than $20k. Top speed, you might have an advantage, but you'd have to use it to

@Jim-Bob- Rockin' a Trabant 601 in 1:24 scale: Everyone who has owned a cell phone and a car thinks they can "do it safely." Fact is, you can't possibly be paying full attention to the road and jabbering with mates at the same time. Eating is even worse...

@Royal Flush: Speed Triples are my personal favorite naked bikes. Bug eyed headlights and all.

@WOT: That'd be your fault. Not seeing someone isn't an excuse, since someone who is driving carefully and checking their blindspots would not fail to see a motorcyclist. That said, the majority of the public are idiots and us riders have to ride as if we are invisible, because to the mom running late to drop her

@timestep: +1 on the Ninja 250R, if you want a crotch rocket style. Triumph Bonnevilles are good if you like a "classic" style. If you want a cruiser, an Eliminator 125 or Vulcan 500 would be your best bet. (Vulcan might be a bit big.)

@FrankGrimes: How in the world did he think that was a result of a popped tire? He probably lost traction on one side and that caused him to fishtail, he couldn't save it and TREES!!

How is 0-60 only 5.6 seconds w/ 350 HP? My car has 333 and definitely weighs more, but gets to 60 in 5.2...

@damnelantra™: I assumed it was two buddies being stupid to begin with, no real police chase. First of all, wouldn't more police joined the chase? Such as cars that could force the M Coupe to stop rather than just follow it (and run out of gas before the M Coupe would).

That's a bitchy move to do. If you don't like the guy, turn down the car - don't take it, dump the guy, and sell it.

@BartMack: hahahaha. Must have been frustrating, but serves her right. I've been more of a jerk once or twice, for less of a reason... Let's say, literally driving circles around a slower car =D. (Speed up and pass on left, change 2 lanes right, slow down until they pass you, change 2 lanes left, repeat.) Mostly

3-5 counts of vehicular homicide, coming right up. This guy deserves to rot in jail. There is no excuse for fiddling with papers while driving a multi-ton dump truck.

Make the drivers' written tests much harder. Say, such that only 60% or so pass first go-round. Once the written test is passed, the driving test should be harder as well - fail to follow all the rules and you fail. And it should be longer, to include more scenarios (eg. MERGING).

Dealer's fault. They should have left the parking brake on, considering it's a manual. That would have likely caused it to stall instead of driving into a pond.

At least he can't (successfully) run from cops in it :P It'd tip over in a fast curve w/ that ridiculously high center of gravity.

@DiscoZombie: I got the same response. I use Win7 and haven't specifically gone in to make my PC uber secure - I use a firewall and a router w/ WPA2, but that's about it.

Why am I not surprised that 17/20 are minivans/momSUVs?

@FTGDWolverineEdition'10: I've actually been tailgated at 85 mph... How is 85 not fast enough?!??! Any faster and it's reckless driving and no license for a month...

@TheTonyShow: Any dealer selling a $45k vehicle should have taken care to be sure they do things right, or suffer the consequences. It's the same as if they went to a traditional auction and never put a reserve on the car. If you don't know how to set up an ebay auction, hire someone who can... I really don't think