
Yes, but parading the special needs kids you teach solely in order to make yourself seem more desirable and sympathetic to reality tv audiences is a bit calculated. Yes, those kids may have wanted to be a part of the episode, but overall the whole thing was a horrible attempt to make Vanessa seem like-able.

She doesn’t help special needs kids for a living (anymore). She left her job to be with a loser from reality tv.

The funniest part is vanessa’s whole act of “i love my students so much” is shown for what it is: an act. She showed them like a parade and then dropped them for a 3 time Bachelor loser who dumped her less than a year later.

What is the opposite of being shook?

I guarantee you there are plenty of dirty dads and old men gawking at my niece as she’s on the pitcher’s mound sending fast balls over the plate. Plus, she got my boobs, instead of her mother’s so . . . I know precisely the level of leering she’s about to deal with.

Oh Fuck off. I don’t let pervy old men ruin my sport. Are we banning dance, beach volleyball and gymnastics while we are at it?

It’s always peoplewhove never been able to do these kinds of things that think you can just suddenly do them and stay that way. So many comments ont he buzzfeed article about this from dudes who I gaurentee have never done a split in their lives.

Um, no. Competitive cheerleading is quite an activity. Very dynamic, physically demanding, and choreographed. More like group gymnastics combined with dance as compared to the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders you’re thinking of. Being cheerleaders at the football game (And I was a football player) was probably only

Don’t talk about things of which you’re completely ignorant. It’s unbecoming.

As a former high-school female cheerleader back in the 70's, I can confirm that splits are:

1. Something you need to work your muscles into over a period of time

Know what I’m sick of? Schumer acting like she’s fat. Fuck, if she’s fat I’m a ridiculously obese hosebeast. Which okay that may be true, but she’s still so far from fat it’s hilarious.

A woman negotiates, 90% of the public responds with personal attacks. How do they know how unfunny she is in all of her specials if they are not watching her specials?

I don’t know but I think she looks sexy AF so I hope there’s more controversy and ensuing pictures like this.

she deserves whatever she can get, just like everyone else.

Schedule a few dates with guys taller/richer/better shape, and even if they don’t go anywhere, it will drive him insane. They don’t even need to go anywhere, and she doesn’t need to give any details about them. In fact, walking around with a smile and not saying a word about what is going on will drive him even

New dick, new perspective

Dear MVP,

You have a bad attitude and should be ashamed of yourself.

So what’s the over/under on all these emails being fake. This week is seems pretty obvious at the very least letter 3 was written by Jane.