
They would have found a way to diminish her no matter the circumstances


According to reports Heather Heyer was a paralegal, so she had an income and would have paid taxes. But Nazis hate women so much that any woman who dares to exist but not serve them is viewed as a drain on society.

women can’t do anything right—if she DID have kids they’d freak about her being on WIC or some other nonsense.

You just don’t understand because you’re too “female privileged”...

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

Dollars to doughnuts he didn’t write that.

Exactly. Modern unions = cartels of selfish people looking for special treatment. Imagine an educational system that was a meritocracy without unions and tenure. So many problems would be solved.

Yup, she should get court costs. I’d love her to get a monetary reward beyond that that she could donate to a womens cause.

Definitely prepped - as she should be -, and I don’t know what she sounded like when she spoke but for some reason the transcript makes it seem like she was perfectly calm and assertive which is more than I would have been able to do in such an unusual, stressful situation.

After spending thousands presumably for all the wedding crap,spending more on a gift is ludicrous. But the ludicrous ones are the selfish couple who plan their wedding event(s) away from friends and family, fully expecting attendance. If you decide to create a gift, bless you, don’t spend much time or money on it,

People: Don’t coddle men. Don’t entertain their mediocrity anymore. Don’t indulge them their obtuse, willfully ignorant questions about ANYTHING they could figure out for themselves with a basic google search. Especially don’t do it on articles regarding sexual assault, where the majority of us has specific trauma and

All women be lying bitches.

“I own her,” it says. “All guys know I’m doing this and neither of them will do a thing. AM MIGHTY MAN.”

Plus that cheesy ass grin that says, “Hey, bros, check this out!”