
It is baffling to me how the Left considers it a completely viable (if not laudable) political tactic to “game” sexual assault allegations against a Republican. And then turn around to the public eye and clasp their hands together crying tears about “a woman’s pain”. Then I remember the pure hypocrisy on both sides,

Long live the Cypt Keeper.  So good.

Another good word for the second thing is “Liberal”.

Yo, Burneko, seek help my dude.  You used to be thoughtful and funny, but you’re becoming a caricature of whiny liberal defeatism.  If shit is so bad for you do something in your life to fix it.  We’re all here for you whenever you need us!

God, I love the Left so much. Determining which type of racism is politically correct and which is not, and then ridiculing those who disagree, is pure 2018 bliss. Stuff like this is single-handedly saving the Republican party from the damage Trump has done. Just know the libertarians thank you profusely for your

......and the massive amount of support comments like that receive.

Yeah but apocalyptic takes get VIEWZ! 

We Should Pump Money Into Failing Institutions Because They At Least Support Our Political Leanings.

Turbo douche guys shouldn’t play in co-ed leagues.  End of take.

There is so much envy bleeding through your post. I can allow that not all rich people are inherently smart or competent, but then you should be able to allow that many rich people are rich directly BECAUSE they are smart and competent.

Yo, we get it, you like to bitch and moan about other, more successful blogs being more successful than you. At a certain point don’t you have to wonder if maybe you’re the ones doing it wrong?

The whole rest of the NBA is an oppressed victim.  I think it would only be fair if, every year, the champion has to give its best player to the league’s worst team.  Nevermind that they were smart enough to get themselves there - it is simply. unfair. HMPH. that my team isn’t as good as them.

The only reason the cap spike happened was because your beloved players’ union forcibly refused to accept any other alternative.  Can’t turn around and blame that on those gosh darn greedy billionaire owners.

The politics there are halfway sane.”

Hard to tell the difference on this site these days.

This is quite possibly the dumbest internet comment I’ve ever read. More impressed than anything else. Holy cow.

But how will scary people stop making me sad if the government doesn’t help me???

Umm this is a right-bash sesh, please take your rational and thoughtful response elsewhere. 

Almost all of Deadspin’s meaningful clicks come from complaining about other, more talented media figures.

Magary wishes.