
U sound mad eleanor

“Other people were enriched and I wasn’t” = Whine to Government To Make Enriching Thing Illegal. A liberal tale as old as time.

Deadspin roots against all things that are good. Welcome to the program.

OMG! Eating disorders! Hard to imagine anything funnier, well done man.  

When You Lose A Contest, You Complain About The Rules Or Officiating. Such is the law. It’s the Liberal way.

GOAT e-mail of the week.

Thing is, the Wickersham piece is getting lauded as though it is the greatest piece of journalism of the 21st century. If it’s true it’s certainly a great piece, but the type of rhetoric it has received is because it “deals a blow” to the Patriots. Because it pushes the side you agree with (fuck the Patriots), you’re

Jumped here to say this very thing. Also, the stripped down/piano/acoustic version of “Where is my Mind” that recurs throughout The Leftovers is fantastic as well. Hauntingly beautiful.

Ok, I made it through. It took a great test of will to get here. This is perhaps the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life. I would call it a rant but it is too whiny to be a rant. This reads more like a complaint written by a soccer mom who is mad that Little Timmy is getting more playing time than her son, but in

The first two paragraphs of this post are such a wonderful microcosm of liberalism in 2017. This is that Grade A Shit. I’m going to save these to have on ready for every time someone asks “Why does nobody take the Left seriously anymore?”

Agree with this and the original comment 100%. Not surprising it was met with literally dozens of variations on the same joke about the soul of the Republican party, but that’s the price we pay for posting here.

I think there is a lot of truth in this article, but I’m not about to vilify Antonio Brown for his comments about Burfect. He is without a doubt the dirtiest player in the league and has actively tried to injure - not just hit hard - players throughout his career (Brady, Leveon, AB himself, as you mentioned).


....and nothing will make you and the rest of Liberal America happier than a cataclysmic decline, if for no other reason than so you can thumb your worthless noses and say “We told you so.”

What in the poster’s comment suggests bigotry? Or cowardice? Aren’t you also using a burner account?

Another victim claimed by the Court of Public Opinion.

I, an athlete, quit reading after Axiom 7 because I am so the opposite of what was being described. 

Counterpoint: football is better than no football. If you don’t want to watch it....don’t? Why should nobody watch it just because you don’t want to? To appease the poor executives at CBS and Fox? You live in a society where you are fortunate to consume or not consume whatever content you choose.

Then maybe the title of the post shouldn’t be “Against Allegedly”, while we’re talking about being clear and all.

Self-flagellation - so hot right now.