Sander Admiraal

You do realize that the girl was 10 years old? Do you expect her to wear a tiny business suit?

the police have many options in this area since they DO NOT work for United. The guy was not causing a scene or harming anyone in any way. There was no reason other than United’s own incompetence for this situation and yet no one from United was dragged anywhere. The police are not United’s personal Blackwater

The police do have a choice - don’t be a private security force for a corporation. The cops easily could have learned what the situation was and said “no, we aren’t going to help you remove a paying customer who legally purchased the seat and was boarded by your employees.” Let United hire private security if they

This makes United seem almost unbelievably incompetent. Why were people allowed to board if they knew not all of them were going to be on the plane? Denying someone boarding is way easier than asking someone who’s sitting down to get off.

If you were looking through a telescope at D-day as it happened (as the light reached you) then yes, you witnessed it. Don't be an ass.

Then there are those who believe she was beheaded by the Japanese after some imprisonment.

There’s also the conspiracy theory that the Japanese abducted her ... for some reason... 2 years before WWII in Europe, 4 years before we entered it, and at a time when we were still at least talking to each other diplomatically. Then, as you would do with a high profile hostage, they kept totally quiet about it and

They don’t want to create a negative atmosphere by having you dislike positive things in your friend’s lives paid corporate advertisements.

Still no dislike button.... (thumb down here)