Mr. Tadakichi

It was her insincerity that cost her. Nobody believed, after those white noise machines at corporate gigs, that she had any intention of implementing any left wing polices and that just left a lot of left wing Democrats despondent. I’m not saying they didn’t come out and vote for her in the end, because as far as I

Unfortunately there are plenty of Hispanics and Asians who are afraid of Muslims, hate illegal immigrants, don’t like paying taxes, and don’t care about/hate LGBT people.

I mean, what does “full blown socialism” even mean? I suspect most people on the left don’t want that anyway. The proper historical guides for where we should go next are probably the Progressive Era and the New Deal—that is, properly regulated capitalism with a modest welfare state.

Which reminds me of this tidbit from Michael Chabon’s wiki page.

Man, I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Unless the Left can get over itself and start getting behind (and this is key) an actual candidate and not try to be cute and say Anybody But Trump 2020 (lol), we are fucked the same way were were fucked in 2004. Hoping Trump will die....well...that isn’t exactly a plan,