Aytri Sivari

Sandra is the best player to ever play survivor. By far.

Doesn't Rod not like Star Trek?

Sue's speech is one of the great moments that will never be duplicated in modern Survivor as character development and impactful relationships between tribe members are long gone in favor of strictly talking about "the game".

I respectfully completely disagree with this article completely. The Hidden Immunity Idol is possibly the worst twist ever added to Survivor, and marked a noted downturn in the show's quality. While the HII is only one symptom of a much larger problem, it's a big one.

Great review, and I totally agree. There's some bad parts of the movie such as Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd, but overall it's exciting, beautiful, and really expanded the Star Wars universe. The four concurrent battles happening in the finale are well edited and paced, and make it very exciting.

Great article, as a lifetime Trekkie I found it very enjoyable to read.

Totally disagree on the inter-Adama drama not being interesting. It was, and is, my favorite part of the series.

I never really watched the X-Files much. Maybe a few episodes here and there, but I was a bit young for it when it was originally airing.