Your conspiracy theory convinced you to jump ship to spite Sony? Weird. It’d be hilarious if they’re being completely honest, and you just punished yourself for being an idiot.
Your conspiracy theory convinced you to jump ship to spite Sony? Weird. It’d be hilarious if they’re being completely honest, and you just punished yourself for being an idiot.
You know, because when little girls cry that makes them gay. Which is obviously terrible.
Fuck. I’m actually crying.
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You’re probably joking, but the game will run (decently) on much lower end PCs than the PS4&X1 spec, I bet. So how can it be the consoles fault anymore? They both have ample RAM, unlike last gen.
The caitlin jenner one doesn’t strike anyone as impossibly bad taste?
I have gotten countless vaginal ultrasounds in the last 3 years, and not once have they EVER had to “sexually stimulate” me in order to get the scan. Like, at all. Like AT ALL. It would go right in, without anything inappropriate or awkward, beyond me apologizing that my body is always like, “haha no not again” and…
It’s amazing how a lot of you people on that forum act wounded and angry at how unfair the whole thing is. It actually brought a confused smile to my face. It’s as if you don’t realize that you’re not the victims here, all the people that had to play with you assholes are the victims.
So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.
There is literally no justifiable reason for this to exist.
Free speech means the government can’t stop you from being an asshole. It doesn’t mean a private company has to give you a platform to be an asshole. If valve decides that they don't like a game, they can take it off their platform, that's an expression of their free speech and property.
Mythical for you, perhaps. ;)
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
GamerGate is a hateful, moronic movement, and the idea of having a physical get-together for it hurts my brain, but fucking hell, this is not the way to react to it. Putting people at risk, wasting the police’s time and resources...
Maybe it’s because GamerGate has gone on for so long that any aim that the movement once had has been shrouded by ethical and political controversy.
You sound like one of those kids who would go around bullying nerds simply because you think you're better than them.