
Step 1. Pick up chopsticks.

Hopefuly horrible shit like this will help others open their eye to ISIS.

Why can't consoles have invert/non-invert as an option in controllers setting like rumble?

When will christians learn they don’t own christmas.

Like VHS. Lol

First: It was a joke.

Softcore porn simulator 3 adds VR. Honestly not surprised.

She’s just jealous of the illustration figure.

The Xbox One’s problem was MS’s arrogance. And the fact they believed gamers would fall for their crap.

My first memory of PlayStation was when I watched a family member play Resident evil 2. Man seeing a adult themed game with blood, guts, guns, and adult language blew my Nintendo loving mind right out of the water. And from that moment on I had to have a PlayStation no matter what. So I sold my 64.

That was funny.

I fucking hate the way girls are treated in the gaming community.

Now that's some realistic LA traffic.

OMG, get over yourself and give Rocket league a try.

Good. It’ll be like real life.

Damn. And only 55. I feel sorry for his family and fans.

WTF are you talking about?

See why couldn’t of Sony done something like this?

You know what more irritating? Someone with nothing better to do then to comment on articles about events not meant for them just to bitch.

Sweet. Now you can delete 0% trophied games from your trophy list.