
Timothy Simon's reading of "niiiiiice" during his meeting with Montez was so good. Really shows how much of a douchebag, loser, and moron Jonah is.

Jacqueline also mentioned that the title of the movie Face/off works on two levels, which Liz also mentioned in 30 Rock. Are they just recycling jokes now? I'm not complaining, though.

My biggest laugh of the episode was when Titus read the bible passage about Zipporah cutting her son's foreskin, which Liz Lemon also read in 30 Rock.

Her Emmy was awarded last week.

You are celebrating a week too late, my friend. She won last week.

I would've been fine with any show winning as long as it is not Modern Family, but it being Veep made Modern Family's loss even sweeter.

Olive Kitteridge's Zoe Kazan didn't win the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress Award in a TV Series/TV Movie, so, no, Olive Kitteridge didn't win all the Emmys. (And yes, I am fun at parties.)

Well she always seems irritated in general these days

I was hearing his voice in my head as I read his answers.

And now the review for Detroit is very late. I blame all of you for complaining about an early review.

Black people can sell drugs!

I was kinda sad he didn't say styles with a Z.

I thought I was the only one who caught that. Tho I easily forgave it because it, as you mentioned, was a side bump.

Loved this episode. And I particularly adored the semi-meta comment made by Britta: "What are we getting from this extra level of commitment?"