
Three mass shootings and the GOP’s singular response is to feign outrage over a studio movie satire they have not even seen.

How often is his son going to show his ass? 

I hope that all these new Star Trek series decides to bring the Universe post-Nemesis. I want to see what the Federation looks like a generation past the shocks of the Dominion War and the Borg Incursions. I want to see how all the knowledge and tech that Voyager has brought back from the Delta Quandrant has shaped

I’m holding out for Maria Covarrubias’ return.

You know, Lost might not have 100% stuck the landing (thought it’s a lot better than we all seem to remember and I will fight anyone on this), but in hindsight X-Files after about Season 6(?) stepped on a rake, slipped on a banana peel, stumbled off the stage, and fell face first into the orchestra pit (tuba, of

However two foes deciding to not kill each other and become best friends because their moms have the same name is a possibility.

(1) Unless The Brave is doing something really weird, there’s no reason for D.I.A. to be in quotation marks: the Defense Intelligence Agency is a perfectly real organization, part of the 17-headed hydra of the US intelligence apparatus.

Maybe Tim Allen can guest as a colonel raising two girls while in an Army that has become too liberal.

It sucks that Trump’s election has kinda tarnished the memory of killing Osama because of how glad we were that news of the killing interrupted Celebrity Apprentice.

That might be the weakest attempt at trolling I’ve ever seen.

My friends and family discuss NCIS all the time. Our derision of it is limitless.

If you’d rather fight the Democrats than the Republicans, then you should think about what sorts of changes to our current political landscape would make the Democrats more worth fighting than the Republicans for most other people.

The GOP is a death cult. There is no reason to force through this Graham-Cassidy bill except out of sheer malevolence, it’s ideological warfare against the poor and non-rich. Yes, they will shove the money they steal towards the rich, that’s one motive. But overwhelmingly it is because they are truly hateful

There are many, many, many opportunities available to rip the democrats the new one that they deserve. I don’t know why you’re trying to choose one which 100% of the party is voting in opposition to.

If they could, they would, because it would mean higher guns sales.

Support your right to arm bears.

This is why the NRA is making it legal for cats and dogs to own firearms.

Now playing

When danger raised its ugly head He bravely turned his tail and fled.

What a pussy.*

I legitimately wonder if the makers of this show actually watched anything Star Trek related beyond an Abrams flick. This is sounding more and more like crappy fanfic given a budget.