
The "failing" NY Times actually had one it's best periods of for new subscriptions.

Are they airing this on broadcast TV or is it strictly online?

Also, I find the notion of the "Persecuted Outed Trump Voter" to be comic gold.

I only watched a few episodes of the original series so I wouldn't know. To be honest I thought the show obsessed too much on the power plays between the characters and not enough on the court cases. I know that's fans loved about it so it's just my own taste getting in the way. As usual.

I might have to start watching this show.

Are Conservatives screaming liberal, antimilitary bias yet?

For all intents and purposes it functioned like a David E Kelley show. I enjoyed it for that reason alone. It really hit the nostalgia button. It's a shame it's getting pulled. I could use a Kelley lawyer show right now.

I have no complaints about her bod. None.

It always put me to sleep. That underwater fight especially is too long.

The Rock is one the rare times that "next level dumb" did work for me.

I don't think I saw this movie until after I saw The Rock. Couldn't appreciate for a long time because of it's "humor." Eventually though I came to really enjoy it. The action is just as over the top and the booming soundtrack gets into your head in just the way you need in order to get the adrenaline pumping.

I still love Dr. No & From Russia with Love. While I could still enjoy Goldfinger I've always felt it somewhat over rated. I agree completely regarding the remaining Connery-Bond flicks. One is silly and not all that engaging and then two more are just tremendous yawners. Never Say Never Again is just useless.

The Blacklist was a show I really wanted to like when it first started and I do still watch it occasionally but only because of Spader's Smartest Man In Room Who Always Knows It schtick. I still love the premise but they've done almost nothing with it. Redemption sounds like a warmed over Leverage.

Just saw this show for the first time tonight. At first I thought this was an attempt at creating a Shonda Rhimes style show. After a few minutes all I could think was this seems like it was cloned from a cutting of something written by David E Kelley. A lawyer show with multiple stories going at once that lurched


She really filleted them.

So, judging by the replies this has gotten, I should probably click off and spare myself. Screw that….

It's a nice little "Fuck you" to a company that richly deserves it. I like it.

My problem is that I'm more interested in the details of what is being said than in who is saying them. Clooney's right of course. Trump receives a pension from a union?!? Good Lord…

I'm more than a little tired of conservative belly aching about Hollywood Liberal Elites.® A group of people that has hurt me every bit as much as the Washington Establishment.© In that they haven't.