Would have been great if someone had looked up and said "What is this, the freaken WB network?!?" Myx could have been humiliated by people referring to him as Dawson forever after.
Would have been great if someone had looked up and said "What is this, the freaken WB network?!?" Myx could have been humiliated by people referring to him as Dawson forever after.
Any one else catch what Benoist said to Myx right before her gambit? "You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts." The last thing I expected was a Michael Keaton '89 Batman reference.
While I enjoy the schadenfreude of being able to tell bigots that their bigotry is being rejected by the "free market" and that this is not an oppression of their 1st Amendment rights it's really disheartening to realize that business interests are perhaps the only reason that the private sector rejects bigotry.
Fair enough and good point.
In fairness, these days it's not always easy to tell when that kind of talk is sarcasm.
This episode was awful. Myxy came off like a cheap Q ripoff. He's a consummate trickster and he really believed that Kara was really going to nuke herself? He's an awfully gullible trickster. Why couldn't he just blink out of the Fortress of Solitude? These are God like powers? [Puny God]
Simon & Schuster dropped him after "careful consideration." What kind of consideration led them to think doing business with him was ever a good idea?
From the sewer all the way to the gutter.
The President of the United States, the man who has the nuclear codes and the ability to place the troops in harms way is a 70 year old moody, adolescent who makes statements about terrorism based on his favorite TV show. This is what's leading the country.
S for smartass.
Yeah, I guess… lol…
Could we just admit that the subjects of these "biopics" are simply not that interesting and maybe that's part of why they all suck?
I'm warning you!!…
A for effort.
Brought to us by the movement (bowel movement?) that gave us Joe the Plumber.
Usually enjoyed by "snowflakes."
Ditto. That and Joker's Favor.
So, he must never die. He must only linger. Forever.