Anyone thing the orange Half-Wit In Chief would ever have the simple dignity to have a meal with Baldwin? Of course not.
Anyone thing the orange Half-Wit In Chief would ever have the simple dignity to have a meal with Baldwin? Of course not.
Given the sheer hatred that this character generates I'm kind of amazed we haven't seen Jar Jar decapitated with a light saber on screen yet.
That maybe how Putin sees Trump. As in, "He's the key to all of this."
Now if Lucas had always written Jar Jar with that in mind…
The first thing that brings to mind is the B:TAS episode where the Joker is sad because he thinks some schmuck accidentally killed Batman and then dumps the guy into a vat of acid while Harley plays "Amazing Grace" on a gazoo.
Or at least George Lucas…
It's a good thing "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" isn't still around or there would be no reasoning with Trump voters. They'd be absolutely blood thirsty what with his warm hearted kindness towards his fellow humans and those sweaters and all.
The show is generic I'm amazed it could have been inspired by anything.
Yeah, because America has a long history of banning people based on their politics.
I like Bill Maher a lot and I'm glad he's on the air. The Left needs every voice it can get. That said, this is a mistake. Milo will likely be smart enough to rein himself in and convince a few people that he's really just not PC and everyone's overreacting and he's some kind of victim. All this does is help normalize…
I've felt this way about Reeves for a long time. Years ago I couldn't stand him. Bram Stokers Dracula being chief among reasons. But then he started doing action movies and I got used to his style of acting. I tend to think of his characters as varying mostly in wardrobe. "So, what kind of suit is he wearing this…
This sounds like a tremendous waste of time.
Exactly. If they get along and all they talk about is how awful political correctness is and how Milo is some kind of victim it'll allow this punk to tell everyone "Hey, even Bill Maher is on my side."
Is anyone else sick of "winning so much" yet?
By the time this show is ready to watch it's going to be taking place in contemporary times.
Has Lionel Luthor always been a character in the Comics? I was under the impression he only existed in Smallville.
Please DC, don't do something this stupid.
Given his level of *ahem* sophistication, I'm not sure he would get many of the comments in this particular comment section.
ManBaby Trump!
I can't wait to see if names of moms save the world again.