
How about if he sings?

An interview conducted in the White House with the Press Secretary isn't even presented with the production values one finds on a typical YouTube show. Channel Awesome and the Nostalgia Critic presents more professional material than this. The denigration of America continues.

Rhetorical question as answer: If it weren't this administration would the press secretary be a man this ridiculous?

But remember, Trump's gonna bring the jobs back.

I'm surprised they haven't tried to market it strictly to the Duck Dynasty audience yet.

I hope this helps.

Waste of time.

This is just stupid on Maher's part. There's being politically incorrect and then there's being politically incorrect for the sake of it. There's no reason to turn yet another platform over to this professional bigoted degenerate.

I had a feeling I might have gotten her name wrong. *Helen Slater*

I want a David Cronenberg Batman movie, dammit!

These people have turned The X Files into a real life parody.


How long until Alex Jones claims that the non existent children were actors paid by George Soros?

I'd love to see Dean Stockwell in Supergirl. If only for the nostalgia.

The only thing Supergirl has going for it is how it's cast works so well together. I don't understand why it keeps bringing on these lightweights just because they're pop culture references. Dean Cain, Linda Carter, Helen Shaver and now Sorbo?!? Waste of time.

I'd still like to see Saldana play Catwoman.

Nope. Just saying…

Brought to us by the morons who gave the Dixie Chicks boycott but get outraged every time the Left wants to boycott something.

Hilarious. I never would have thought that Budweiser of all things would be caught up in something like this. When the official beer of "Real Murica" has been deemed Liberal or PC maybe it's time for everyone to start rowing in the other direction. HARD!

Oh, one has the right to be a stupid bigot. There's just no such thing as a right to never be reminded of the fact that one is a stupid bigot. No one has the right to protected from the fact that out here in the world we can all smell their bullshit.