
Here we go with the trump bullshit. What does that have to do with this? Save it for the meme generator

You’re not missing a thing

Wow....someone always has to pull out the abortion card. Well played. Charlie should have been aborted

I’m so sorry about your cousin. My sister in law (back in high school, before she was my sister in law) and her friend were raped and murdered. I watched my husband and his family go through 23 years of legal BS before one of the men were executed. The other was 17 at the time so received life in prison. It’s a

I’m sorry that stories like those have soured your perception of that time in our history. There was far more going on in the 60's than drugs and free love but that is the part that is portrayed most predominantly. It takes your eyes away from the great turmoil of those times and what people were truly fighting for.

How about showing compassion to their families?

I’ve watched the interviews with van houton and krenwinckle and I’ve thought the same thing. While they lack any sort of skill that would make them productive members of society, I feel like they could be at least trusted not to commit such a horrific crime again. However, the families of these victims deserve for

that’s interesting

Right...the fact that they’re american justifies the term ‘all american.’ I also think that was a common term for that era. As in The All American Football Team. There wasn’t as much racial equality as there is today. Although, if you ask me, we haven’t come that far. We’re just better at not using racial slurs. This