
As a bartender, I can wholly assure you that I am propositioned every single time I work. Usually more than once and sometimes up to, I don't know, 8 to 12 times? Sometimes it's one guy making one seemingly harmless remark ("You have beautiful eyes!") and sometimes it's one guy over and over again asking when will I

I manage a taproom of a brewery and cursing is basically mandatory. The first thing my boss said to me in my interview was "You've got fucking tattoos!"

I decided to wash my bra today only because I found a dog footprint on it:/

Yep! Favorite ever.

I work at a brewery and a man actually tried to pinch my cheek the other day. My head was jerked back so quickly I may have gotten whiplash. And yes, my face cheek, not my butt cheek.

On of my very good friends is notorious for talking over people and interrupting. He does it to men and women alike. I developed the fairly simple technique of shouting "SHUT UP, I am TALKING." every time he attempted to cut me off. I have found that works well in other domains, too.

Obama's back rubbing/patting hand makes me all happy.

Our coonhound one time scarfed 12 hotdogs only to spend the next hour horking them up all over our rug. There was a reason we nicknamed her "sausage biscuits."

Definitely true. I have a half-sleeve tattoo and many people think this is somehow a sign that I am completely okay with having them run their hands all over my arm, often in an oddly loving caress. Some have even gone so far to walk up to me without saying a word and just start lifting my tee-shirt sleeve to get a

??? Wow, thanks, judgy mcjudgepants. I am so weak and characterless that I am just going to throw away all my weed and start living a "real" life instead of this easy, weak pathetic life I have been experiencing.

Word. Michigan beer is where it is at.

Are you seriously implying that I smoke weed to somehow evade "the reality of life"? Because my life (as well as most pot smokers) is extremely real. I have a Bachelor's degree and insurance and a full-time job and all that super fun real life shit. And yes, like most humans, I do like to relax occasionally and my way

Nobody trusts waiters? I'm hurt :[

Oh yep, been there, done that. Stopped hookah-ing (as we cleverly named it) when we discovered smoking weed was waaaaay more fun. And hookah is fantastic for learning smoking tricks (my primary motivation).

This is why I am a fan of massively public restrooms (like 20 or more stalls hopefully with a lot of people coming in and out). You can poo and no one knows the difference because there are so many other women doing their biz about you.

Welp. I am a lady and I kill at parallel parking. Many a friend (both genders) has been left in awe at my nifty skills. It comes from living in the city and just having good judgement and common sense. And those two latter things are really quite hard to come by in either sex. And again, comparing and contrasting, men

I was spanked occasionally through out childhood. Never enough to leave a mark but enough for me to modify my behavior. I am completely fine now (at age 23). Some mild anxiety but I think that's completely normal given the usual life stresses people deal with.

May I suggest Middle Eastern food, specifically falafel? Farting for hours.