Don’t you know? After Kojima leaves Konami the FOXDIE in his system is going to kill him.
Don’t you know? After Kojima leaves Konami the FOXDIE in his system is going to kill him.
It was super weird going from this sleek, delicious sans-serif titling
I’m glad I don’t know the answer to this.
La Li Lu Le Lo
I think you’ll love the gameplay but you won’t understand the story. But it’s not like the story is easy to understand even if you have played all the MGS games.
War. War never changes. Wait, that’s not right...
Is it worth playing? Yes. It’s a perfect stealth-action-infiltration game. But if you’re looking for that linear narrative boss-heavy experience, you won’t find it here.
He sounds like Jack Bauer. Not that I’m complaining, since I’m obsessed with 24.
You sick fuck *installs game, tries this first*.
Can I tranq other players and have the horse defecate on their faces as they sleep?
You’ve got lots and lots of questions about the fifth (and probably final) Metal Gear Solid game. We’ve got some…
Of all the bad press they have been receiving, THIS is what they decided crossed the line.
When reports come out that renowned pachinko manufacturer Konami treats its game developers like prisoners, you won’t hear much.
I think Killzone was 30fps in single player. Also, BF4 doesn't hold that 60fps; it dips a lot. Jason said MGSV doesn't dip. That's pretty impressive for a console game.
Anyone else reads something funny in the introduction and immediately looks up expecting Jason to be the author? I smile everytime :)
Seriously. On either of those counts. 60 FPS or looking better than Metal Gear. XD