Aye Bee

80% of white evangelicals went for Moore; 76% of everyone else went for Jones.

I’m done. I’m so done with us. From now on, every time I met a fellow white woman who says she’s from Alabama, I’m smacking her face and revoking her woman card.

All night:

This reply to Roy Moore, tonight, was savage...

As long as we’re fantasizing about what Moore supporters and voters can’t ever do again, “breathing” is always at the top of my list. Or “not be publicly executed by medieval torture.” That kind of stuff.

Wow! You totally didn’t get the point of that article about the rabbit! It has nothing to do with the rabbit, doofus, but everything to do with wypipo valuing the lives of just about every animal on the planet over black people. But then, in the case of Alabama, they’re begging for our support (while their cops shoot

Me too, but it’s the still the same thing a delusional woman lacking agency always keeps thinking:
“Yeah, he did that to others, but he wouldn’t do it toward me!”

Shuckin’ and jive niggas married to white women or thankful to massa for a job....

93% of black male voters voted for Jones and 16% voted for Moore?

As usual, black women go hard in the paint.

I remember going to an ugly Christmas sweater pub crawl way back in 2007. Part of the fun was trying to find the sweater. You had to troll every local Goodwill until you found an authentic ugly sweater, something that somebody thought looked good at the time.

I’m with you. Electing a white racist pedophile just to erase the taste of the first black president out of their mouths would be the cherry on top of the “MAGA” shit cake.

I have a feeling Roy Moore winning the Alabama senate race is the most 2017 story possible.

Whole piece worth reading (and ignoring that it’s all facts) just for this line:

I gotta disagree with you on this one Panama.

These people aren’t stupid, nor do they believe half the shit they spew out of their mouths. It’s not like conservatives have been presented with mere allegations, whilst conjuring up the most delusional fantasies ever in defense of the indefensible.

At this point, that old

“You need to leave my name out your mouth tho”

Is that the same justification you’d have used to defend going to watch gladiators in ancient Rome? “They’re slaves who have a viable opportunity to earn their freedom, so we should all go watch people literally chop each other to pieces.”

As someone who has donated his brain to the study and doctor’s are almost postiive has CTE I support this comment. I’m not even a player and I’m dying faster and forgetting my daughter faster because the NFL suppressed the info from not only their players but regular ones as well. So concussions got treated like a

Or we could, as a country, stop exploiting African American communities.

Maybe start providing better education to lower socio economic areas, stop passing legislation that silences voters (See: ID LAWS), and stop arresting African American’s at a disproportionate rate to whites for the same crimes?!

any one of these takes will do - we might need all three :D