Aye Aye Ron

There’s no repairing those children’s lives after what they saw. Those fucks don’t deserve rehabilitation, they don’t deserve tax payers money to eat. think you’d ever believe they were rehabbed enough to invite them into your home for dinner after what they did? Nnnope

I wouldn’t take my clapped out P71 to this clown, this action shows me he has no regard for other’s property nor the safety of the general public. Fuck him, I hope he goes bankrupt.

Suck it, nerd.

There is no reason why a tech should be turning off a car’s traction control unless maybe they need to spin the wheels on a rack.

I gotta say, posting an actual picture of your BA degree, and then countering criticism of that with a picture of your masters is probably the most obnoxious thing I’ve seen in a Deadspin comment section. So well done I guess.

lol communication.

M badges on non-M BMWs.

You ok?

The price of admission is 100 percent to the GM, 100 percocet to the owner.

Read it again. Ferrari had to authorize this, by the nature of the tool. Also, I may be working for CNN, because Wolf Blitzer just asked me to pick up his dry cleaning and get him a bottle of Cutty Sark for the train ride home.

Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.

People always say “0 RPM” but isn’t it actually 1 RPM? Am I being pedantic? Is asking three rhetorical questions in a row super annoying?

I got violent on weed once. Wrote an internet comment in all caps.

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

Can I add more facts to the marketing literature to be flipped through by billionaire’s car buying assistant?

Now playing

Meh, about expected. Subframes rot out on pretty much every car. Not a huge deal to replace it.

I look forward to the new ESPN documentary series 0 for 30.

If there is any justice in this world, he will mess with Boogie Cousins who will obliterate him leaving only a stain of Axe hair gel on the court.

Imagine. You’re a middle-aged guy. Big fan of sport. Football? You fucking love it, and you have a deep knowledge of the game.

As a strong opponent to the censorship of music, this shit is amazing.