Aye Aye Ron

Clicked for borderline erotic V10 sounds. Did not disappoint.

I’ve personally never been on a winning team that included a Hanzo or a Widow. And yes. I’ve kept track this season..

If you’re not picking the predetermined “good” characters who historically win matches, it is easy for your teammates to blame you for sabotaging the efforts of your team.

Keep apologizing for domestic abusers Slugger! I bet they love you over at A Voice for Men (don’t pretend you don’t know what it is, we all know you do). Do you do rape apology too? Sign up for the “Support Brock Turner” Facebook page? Do you bring up “false allegations” when people talk about sexual assault? Did you

Then the tax math doesn’t add up. These are selling for well over 100k right now so I’m not not saying anything against you it just seems he’s trying to peacock a little with all these fake numbers.

I wanted to help - followed the link and clicked the Vote button, and saw this message:

Yea, fuck people doing stuff they like and having fun with cars. Must suck to be so fucking sad everyday.

That’s to appeal to the target market for cars like this: people with deep pockets who buy these cars not to necessarily only for the sake of safely shuttling their kids to soccer practice and getting groceries, but as fancy toys and status symbols to show off to their friends and other people.

I’m imagining a world of Farday Future cars lazily driving around roads and stopping in random places trying to find a parking lot... Like when a cow truck overturns and all those cows wander around the highway.

A flea could claim the moral high ground on you lot, darling. A fucking flea.

No, I don’t despise her just because I adamantly disagree with her politics and her opinions.

I am honored that you made a post about this. You did a lot more justice to the topic of rotary valves than most people do. Most just assume it is a Wankel rotary engine.

It says three seconds into the video that it’s a 0-60 mph test. In graphics. Right there for you. Why did you just try to write an article acting as if you’re deducing what is actually shown. There’s nothing sneaky about it, and this article kind of pisses me off. Both because it’s click baity as all hell and because

That’s a bullshit answer from someone who has apparently never driven on ice.

(I live in LA, but went to school by Lake Superior at Michigan Technological University and grew up outside of Ann Arbor. The roads here don’t turn to “ice”, you’re just a shitty fucking driver)

Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.

I’m so happy the East Atlanta Santa is a free man. The world is a better place because of it.

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

Yeah! Like an asshole that wants to eat, and pay rent, and stuff. Unbelievable! Getting a job. And then doing it! What an asshole.

I gotcha guys