
I remember the first Summer Jam concerts my parents took us to. For whatever reason one person started running then the WHOLE damn stadium started running. Still not sure what started the run...but it was at that moment that I vowed to never be caught in another crowd full of Black folks. Lol

Stacey Dash.

Oh, I remember it! And it’s hilarious.

Yeah, these youngins know no history. “Oh my god, Becky” was obviously first. This blow job stuff is from some time in the last decade.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Lmfao! I love how even the hotel workers started to intercede and then were like, meh, she’s got this. I’m pretty sure, if I’m hearing it right, the person taking the video offered it up to the police, which is good. Between being threatened to be shot in the face and then the racist getting physical first I don’t

Im a researcher, about to begin a phd in research and I can tell you, your methods are flawed. There is a reason we frown upon snowball sampling, your sample size is tiny, and we never use the word causation or imply causation in research, and we ESPECIALLY do not touch the concept of causation in non-experimental

They could have been gay before the assault and not even come to realize it before it happened. Correlation is not causation.

He is...Indian. Not North American. The whole point is that the racial profiling is so common and incompetent that he (being the biggest Bollywood star and frankly with more viewership than most Hollywood stars) got detained REPEATEDLY. Over and over again because of his skin colour.

It’s kind of sad/ironic because Bollywood stars are EVERYWHERE in terms of viewership - from Russia to North Africa to Middle East. I was in Brazil with my cousins and they have a whole soap opera with Bollywood themes. US people are quite...well unaware of cultures outside their own (most Europeans and Canadians too