
i would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the url for this post is "one-of-t-a-t-us-fake-lesbians-is-actually-a-raging-homo"

Everyone down in these comments equating a menstrual cycle with pooping, please wallow in your shame. I never thought I would see the day where I would have to explain to people why that is a ridiculous comparison and frankly I won't bother now. Also the insane amount of 'UGH WHY FEMINISTS DO DAT' rage over two

Thought this would be highly appropriate.

This changes everything.

"Balls with dancing" is third in the list of meanings for the word "balls" in my brain's dictionary.

I'm sorry, but every time I hear someone talk about how Mother's day is a manufactured piece of shit Hallmark holiday and OH MY GOD THEY WILL NOT BE A PART OF THAT, MOTHERFUCKERS....

The truth about Chocolate Diamonds is, they're not edible.

I think paternity leave is an excellent idea. Both parents should get time off to be with the baby. It seems like that allowing for both parents to have time off allows for healthy happy parents and a healthy happy baby.