
First off, why the fuck is a 12 year old streaming.

Gender pay gap has been 100% debunked. People just need to read a little to understand it.

Is there an alternate path where they simply ask for a raise? That could lead to choices like: “Don’t go to jail” and “Find a job where you’re more appreciated.”

It’s a gut-punch of girl pwr that goes to show that fighting the system or whatever can bring people together.

oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.

Bungie seems to be taking the “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” route with this game. Seems like every week we catch them in another scandal.

Made mistakes? Isn’t this the exact same way they handled 1? The constant 180s and bullshit from Bungie continues to amaze me. Still disappointed with myself I gave them and Activision money for this.

Konami never thought Metal Gear 5 would be bad, they were just pissed at the amount of time and money Kojima was spending on its production (and to be clear, I think he had earned the right to do whatever the hell he wanted)

uh isn’t context important? he cheated on a video game. nobody was actually physically hurt. now you’re asking us to draw some kind of moral equivalency between a child not playing by the rules and a corporation that generates millions in profit and has infinitely easier access to legal resources suing said child?

People who use, let alone create/help create cheat software, are assholes

This flies in the face of everything established in Pokemon. Learning to speak is definitely possible, but it usually takes a very long time (the Maiden’s Peak Gastly had plenty of time to learn to speak) and at a great cost (Meowth never learned the iconic Meowth attack Pay Day because he learned to speak). The only

WOW!! I’m not the only one then. I stopped it right after “welcome” and said out loud “oh fuck that”. My coworker started laughing.

Ck hello Ck and ck welcome ck. STOP CLOSE. UGH. I don’t think I ever had such a negative reaction to a video. Fingernails on a chalkboard.

That’s silly. This isn’t a game for gamers. This is a game for the poser crowd that has been strangling the life out of gaming for a while now. The type of people that don’t know what an MMO is, or know that that genre is dead, and hang out on social media.

There’s three things that could be going on.

*restarts DAO for the 100th time just because I’ve always missed this*

Goodbye, weekend!

Also, thanks for the tip!

Counter-point: a dude literally wandering from town to town in search of his son, fighting to stay alive in a shitty world not of his making, is actually not a bad use of the song at all.

The abuse of the Japanese language alone just makes me want to put bleach in my ears. I consider myself a huge geek, but hoooooly crap, hahaha. My friends and I were nowhere near this bad. (Or so I try to tell myself)