
I don't get it. F.lux already adjusts my Chrome with everything else. What is the purpose of just changing Chrome? Just for the white-balance whiplash when you alt-tab to something else?

Oh, like breaking Kinja's so hard.

He was driving for Lotus then too. That was only a few weeks ago.

Not just the sons; there's a Georgetta.

I got to the first question mark and was all "I hate you" but then I finished the comment and now I love you.

You're dumb. They aren't unknown; you are just a stupid person. You are someone who doesn't know things.

He corrected himself a minute after making the post, then you shat on him for the original mistake a full 18 hours later. There was no need for that.

"against the 911 dispatcher's wishes"

Paging Mark O'Mara...

That was more the point I was trying to make. I'm perfectly comfortable with guns in the hands of hunters, sport shooters, etc. I'm much less comfortable with the fact that attitudes have gotten so out of hand that the cops feel that a single person needs 2 vests, 2 shotguns, an AR15, a handgun, and about 50 pounds of

I was in one a few months ago (car broke down, got a ride), and they had plexiglass (or something) and a cage both in front and behind me in the back seat. There was an AR15 or something close to it attached to the cage in front of me in the drivers' compartment which I tried as hard as I could not to look at too

Where did you get the idea that SNL involves improv? It has literally never, in the entirety of the show, allowed, condoned, or involved improv in any way. Ever. It is all about memorization until they change a line, and then it becomes about reading off the cue cards. You can't re-memorize lines when they change them

Are you not seeing the Twitter interface? It clearly shows what he is responding to for me.

The original tweet is directly above it.

This has nothing to do with old. My mom knows how to move HTML tags around. My bosses are in their 40s-70s and know how to write PHP and make ridiculously nice stuff in Photoshop. I'm currently working on a project headed by a guy in his 70s. My girlfriend's grandmother knows what an IP address is.

This has nothing to

Are you just trolling at this point? You took offense to a non-offensive term and it's the other person's fault for using a word you don't understand?

I'd love to, but if you'd actually read the entire article, you'd realize we have to wait weeks to get our official notices before we can get our cars fixed. In previous article's comment sections, people have been talking about how their dealerships said they can't do anything until the recall notice arrives. That is

You could at least spell Zoe Saldana's name right while you're calling her a race traitor.

No, the point is that a child was murdered.

I don't care the least bit how sad you are after murdering a child. She broke down over her choice to shoot a 17-year-old for no reason, after not identifying herself as a police officer through the door. Which is the bigger story; shooting children, or crying?

She was SO SAD about murdering a child. SO SAD.