
Why feed the troll?

Right... but the thread starter specified Avengers 2, not 3.

You realize avengers 2 is called Age of Ultron, right? Thanos might not even play into it.

I live in Gloucester now, and it's easily the most racially-integrated place I've ever lived.

No, she actually did. Read the article.

I'm praying for a "sorry, typo" to make my mind stop breaking.

So you're saying that since society has progressed in some fashion, it has no more progress to make? We've hit the lowest possible limit for how much a woman can be harassed? It can't get ANY better from here?

Google is HARD.

Then your joke made no sense. It had no joke-like qualities.

Tyler Perry was never in an Iron Man movie.

"A few loudmouths" are part of her audience, and I think you are vastly underestimating how many people think that way. Remember how Barack Obama is "anti-Israel" because he took a few years to visit there after his election?

Then she gets slammed for being anti-Israel. There is no win here.

Thanks for posting this like 20 years after middle school, dammit.

I think he meant replacement in the job, not as a human being (well, character).

I wish this got more recommends than the original post.

To be fair, Spy is kind of the definition of "crossing the line."

Reading the article, I found it astounding that the one example he gives is the one that doesn't exist anymore.

She was referred to as a C-lister in the show itself by Jake. I think it's a reference, not an insult.

This is obviously the best thread ever.

Perhaps you should mind your own business.