
Actually, Camilla waited and waited for Charles to propose, and when he couldn’t make up his mind to ask her, she married a man who did (Parker-Bowles).

I like the ring of sand-brained crawling piece of lizard turd.

Just wondering - is there any particular reason for putting so much of the drug into one edible? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a one dose-one cookie thing? I mean, it seems to make more sense to sell someone six cookies rather than one.

To me, this comes under the heading of “you are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.” If his scholarship is so shoddy that it has led him to deny the Holocaust, then it seems to me his effectiveness as a teacher could legitimately be called into question.

What I love about the whole slippery-slope-to-bestiality argument is that there are Republicans who apparently think that animals can consent to have sex.

So they are going to duplicate a male-only environment where women are traditionally either objectified or physically assaulted. Yeah, nothing wrong with that.

I saw it - it was fun, but not amazing. A perfect Netflix flick.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if a major university started evaluating resumes (sorry, to tired to do accent marks) without names? Just have HR remove the name and add an identifying number to each resume. Obviously, many will contain clues as to the race/gender of the candidate (ie President of the Black Student Union,

There’s actually a bill now in the NYS Senate that would extend “compassionate care” - their words, not mine - and would allow a lot of people to get the drug before the January start date. This being New York, no one knows what’s going to happen, but a least somebody’s trying.

They did legalize medical pot, though. There have been all these articles about how they’re having a horrible time getting a system in place to grow and sell it. They’ve made it really hard for companies to qualify because they have to have a plan to start selling in January.

Love the Ring of Endless Light shout out!

#NotAllNuns “Sister Simone is a Catholic nun, a lawyer, an author, and a lobbyist.

Where in that quotation does Schumer refer to anyone but herself? She states a preference for being that weight she is, and a desire not to be so skinny that she resembles a “malnourished bird.” She does not say that anyone of her acquaintance does resemble said bird, just that that is not a look she wants. How is

Please get out of my brain. You’re scaring me.

No, it isn’t fine. You can fool yourself into thinking it is because other people are making the same sartorial mistake, but there is no way that wearing flip-flops anywhere but the beach is “fine.” Now get off my lawn.

That’s what my sister did. She got a bunch of those folding fans and put one at each person’s place at the dining tables, because that room didn’t have air conditioning. Of course, six other things went wrong, including the AC in the one room that had fritzing out on the hottest day of the month (June), so those fans

Is it me, or does this particular law have nothing to do with the guy jerking off all the way to Astoria? Would that be considered public indecency or whatever?

Oh, God, it’d almost like Daisy Miller all over again. Did he handle the situation completely appropriately - that’s a big hell to the no. But on the other hand, this woman came to him with a stated goal of finding romance. Any idiot can tell you that most straight men respond to women they consider beautiful (which

“She’d had a strict upbringing in the Midwest, and Hellerstein worked with her through the death of her domineering father. He ushered her into calmer periods of life, a better career, more deepened friendships.”

She’s one of the most consistently funny contestants on @midnight. I’ll definitely watch this.