
Sophia will agree when she wakes up.

Is it just me, or does it look like someone fed a merkin after midnight?

Sorry, but your premise is 100% false. I have been using opiates for over seven years for medical issues, and my dosage and usage have remained at the same levels for the entire time. In other words, if you're using the stuff correctly, you don't necessarily get addicted. Of course, over time, the effectiveness of

I'm talking about legalizing it as a prescription drug- not as something you can buy at 7-11! You would have to be under a doctor's care, and in some kind of treatment, in order to be able to get it. As for why this will reduce the number of addicts, see my OP; basically, no need to deal, no need to hook new users.

Actually, it is. Would you rather have users who were so ill they couldn't take care of themselves, or users like Keith Richards who not only managed to function, but to survive their addiction? Are we going to be able to save every addict? Of course not. But this model means that there will be fewer and fewer

Here's the thinking on legalizing heroin:

Did anyone else notice that on that "artist"'s home page there's a picture of Hitler? Nothing says "I'm a provocative artist!" like a picture of ol' Adolph. AARRGGHHHH

I thought buying libraries for decorative purposes went out with the Victorians! Who are these people?!?!?!

Has anyone else clicked through to see the tips for arranging bookshelves? Because all I can say is - WHERE ARE THE FREAKIN' BOOKS? I have twice as many books on one shelf as they have in the whole unit! That is NOT a bookshelf; a curio cabinet, maybe; a tchotchke holder, possibly; perhaps even a decorative

I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

I kind of feel like if there's anybody who is really going to pay attention when the cat demands they start killing people, it's the eighty year old woman who still lives in the rent controlled apartment she grew u in, and it would take her a while to figure out which of the cats was talking to her.

PJ's and feathers and knee pads - oh my!

As Dorothy Parker once said," That's a lovely dress she's almost wearing."

Still my favorite shot of the night:

"A bracelet that jingles will make everybody want to kill you because they are freakin' annoying after about two minutes." There, I fixed it for you.

I not only woke up the cat laughing at your responses, I scared the crap out of her. Thank you for helping me take my revenge!

The most amazing thing about this list is that Christopher Plummer was born the same year as my father - but he's three years older! Dad won't even turn 85 until next year!

I saw an interview with Charles Barkley years ago where someone asked him what he would do when his daughters started to date. He replied in a conversational tone, "Once I kill the first one, I figure word will get around."

While all of that is absolutely true, I so love Kristin Chenoweth that I'd STILL want her to play the part. Her, or Beyonce.

Early thirties would have her engaged at the age of 16 or 17. I think that's a bit young. Adelaide has traditionally been played by older actresses, and I think they should stick with that. Don't want Nathan Detroit doing time for statutory rape :-).