Smart... Florida...
I assume you meant shooting brake?
Nothing says luxury like carefully crafted, highly optimized, bespoke installations of digital hardware that'll be outdated before the second oil change.
Usually the dick is INSIDE the Prius.
Mclarens been around for a while man.
Or fat Europeans. Maybe they can sell them in Asia.
They shouldn't all come from Russia, either.
island, then you could put a race track on it, duh :P
The team's driver, Jeff Gordon, describes his horrifying experience when he first realized his merchandising bus was on fire: "Well I woke up to get me a cold pop, but then I thought someone was barbeque'n. I said, Oh Lord Jesus it's a FAYYURR!! Then I RAN out, didn't grab no shoes, or nuthin, Jesus. I RAN for my…
Is Ferrari in NASCAR now?
Why "supercars" don't excite me anymore - reason #6