Aya, Almost Has A Cosmo With Toyota Engine Owned by a BMW.

My state (Commonwealth) has a rich history of interesting plates. Mostly because the DMV is kind of clueless at times.

There are many, but this remains one of my all-time favorites.

Leave it to NY to let their cars speak for themselves.

Mclarens been around for a while man.

Or fat Europeans. Maybe they can sell them in Asia.

They shouldn't all come from Russia, either.

island, then you could put a race track on it, duh :P

The team's driver, Jeff Gordon, describes his horrifying experience when he first realized his merchandising bus was on fire: "Well I woke up to get me a cold pop, but then I thought someone was barbeque'n. I said, Oh Lord Jesus it's a FAYYURR!! Then I RAN out, didn't grab no shoes, or nuthin, Jesus. I RAN for my

I didn't say anything about an RV you stupid book!!

Is Ferrari in NASCAR now?


Why "supercars" don't excite me anymore - reason #6

maybe if every team had different engine configurations but all had the same Torque and HP figures and had to achieve similar MPG.

Mazda would have a 2.4L Turbo Wankel
Lexus would have a 4.2L V10 NA
Mercedes with a 6.2L V8 NA
BMW with a 3.8L I6 Turbo
McLaren with a Twin Turbo V8
Peugeot with a V10

all around

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's cool, until you realize it could've been this.

Because numbers are simple, efficient, and don't require creativity. Does it get any more German than that? haha

Frank Sinatra Special Edition Imperial.

Good evening gentlemen. This is Musk. I have the doomsday device. You have seventy-two hours to deliver the gold, or suffer the consequences. And to prove I'm not bluffing, watch this!

I love it!!! With the suicide doors, it would've been a better thing to badge as an Aston-Martin than the Cygnet.

The Suzuki Cappuccino, 3-cylinder 657cc's of miniature Miata fun.