Aya, Almost Has A Cosmo With Toyota Engine Owned by a BMW.

Yeah. Sometimes i wonder which one is heavier: a Miata V8 or SLK55..

It's not that bad. SLK55 AMG is only 3300lbs.

BMW Z3. I thought it was a Z4!

Come on man, he just got FP-ed.

That's why i say they're SORTA making it. It looks similar since the Audi Avus Quattro evolved into TT and the TT evolved to the prototype sketches.

Hard Mode:
You'll need a car Control Ssytem like Mazda Cosmo. This controls AC, radio, tv, telephone, and GPS.

But the people on the highway drives half as fast. Seriously, i once overtake a lorry in a smart. Scariest thing i eve done.

Not really.

They sorta build it..

How does it compare to the old XJR from the late 90's?

I once drove the old XJR and S-Type R three years ago. And i genuinely stunned with it, until i drove the W140 S600 and the world simply doesn't look the same again.

A Bus?

Yeeees. I'm huge fans of the old dino.

Yees. Altough that's the hardcore Mugen RR.

I see..

i guess it's based on cureent 4-door car right?

In Indonesia we got no snow. But we still do bus drift.

To be honest, i'm agreed with you.

X3 is smaller than X5, and more useless.