He has film of his own play for one game. The only garbage here is your insistence that watching film then going to the offseason will have an iota of difference in his play.
He has film of his own play for one game. The only garbage here is your insistence that watching film then going to the offseason will have an iota of difference in his play.
Actually its not. Suspend him for week one next year. Easy. Was it really that difficult for you to think of that ?
You dont get better at playing football by watching film. Film is used for matchups and tendencies for that weeks opponent, and has nothing to do with getting better.
You do realize that this suspension has nothing to do with a drug test right? And that Manziel missed the same walkthrough and was only fined not suspended?
The fact that you can't see this as a specific kind of oppressive policy tells me all I need to know about your motivations and leaning, kiddo.
Maybe if you read books other than those prescribed by Fox News you'd actually realize the school is in the wrong here, douchebag.
The more the season goes on, the better and better Golden State refusing to trade Klay for Love looks.
But if a kid wants to wear a NYPD shirt he wont be forced to change it, despite it being just as politically charged.
Gordon fucked them by the NFL having an arbitrary and fucked drug testing policy? How exactly do you sleep at night siding with billionaire owners fucking over an underpaid athlete. Did Gordon get a bonus for being the best WR last year or was he criminally underpaid?
LOL and what exactly is he supposed to do with game film at this point in the season? Are you this dense or are you just that desperate for talking points?
The browns have shown no interest in giving Manziel a legitimate shot at the job, and only did so because Hoyer was so horrific, so, no, i don't give a shit.
In week 17 of a lost season you aren't learning shit. You need to stop letting Peter King and his ilk dictate how you feel about athletes.
How exactly would one get better at playing football when one is injured to the point of not even being able to play?
How the fuck did this moronic response get 113 stars? Probably the same brain dead, socially deficient idiots who think "where are you going to school?"is good conversation. You probably also think talking about the weather is good conversation fodder too.
what about those who cant be with their families? Or those who don't celebrate Christmas? Or those who abhor their families? Why do people feel the need to project their limited world view on everyone?
Its disheartening but not surprising people are daring to question the semi and not immediately blame the civic driver for this crash. The way I see idiots on the road disrespecting the size and velocity of these behemoths daily its a testament to their driving ability that these types of wrecks aren't more common.
Entitled, misogynistic little boys lashing out at women isn't a surprise. What is a surprise are the sheer number of these socially inept morons showing just how much contempt they have for women.
If you want better answers ask better questions. Step up your fucking game. He's not being rude-he's holding up a mirror to the inanity and ridiculously low effort level these "reporters" are putting forth.
Deadspin certainly isn't alone in refusing to use washingtons racist team name when discussing them, Mr. Synder.