At no point in your rambling diatribe did you address my statement about cutler. You went on about Schaub as if its even relevant. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
At no point in your rambling diatribe did you address my statement about cutler. You went on about Schaub as if its even relevant. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
People who know nothing about football think a QB is either "elite" or garbage, because these people feed on the either/or bullshit ESPN feeds them. They fail to realize there's a middle ground full of serviceable QBs, of which Cutler is a member. Is he great? Obviously not, but he's not Jimmy Clausen bad, either, and…
you wouldn't know logical perspective if it shit in your mouth. Kindly see your ignorant ass out, dumbshit.
Where was this criticism from you dumbass last year? What? When the team did well you were a mute? Shut the fuck up and go back to, dumbshit.
Fuck off. Blame the bears' problems where it belongs-squarely on the shoulders of the defense. Fuck you and your nonsensical, brainless"insight" into what makes a football team go.
hilarious. Apparently the folks in the front office have been listening to too much Chicago sports radio. If I'm Cutler I pray they cut me so I can go somewhere worth playing. Bears fans are as intolerable as St. Louis Cardinals fans.
oops that is too upscale for you. Applebee's.
it takes a special kind of entitled ignorance to think you have any fucking idea what Dez was yelling about or what his motivations were. I'm worried your "friends" at the Chili's (oops, "sports bar") you watch football with are getting dumber being subjected to your stupidity.
When you read Peter King like you obviously do, it colors your interpretation of players like Dez. When you have your head stuck so far up your own ass like you obviously do, you cannot possibly be bothered to listen to reason.
And you still cannot possibly grasp, due to obvious debate deficiencies, the team I root for is irrelevant to this topic. Get lost, numbnuts.
Why was this film made? To separate millions of mindless bible thumpers from their money. That's it. These terrible, bible themed movies have been more and more prevalent in recent years, and these idiots who believe in a magic man in the sky have gladly handed over tens of millions of dollars to watch it.
The FACT that you continue to push for data which is irrelevant to the topic proves just how bad you are at debate. Get lost, shitbird.
The more you yap the more you prove you have absolutely no fucking clue about sports. Go back to your sports bar bros, impress them with your "knowledge", those of us with a clue will chuckle at your meaningless"contributions".
Still yapping like a little dog?
You dont know what Dez was yelling about, no matter how much you think you know about the psyche of a guy. Watching him on tv weekly doesn't make you a sports psychologist, it makes you a fan (short for fanatic, after all).
The team I root for is totally and completely irrelevant to this conversation and you dare to say I'm bad at this? The one bad at this is you.
You said you knew he was mad the offense went conservative. Then bashed someone for suggesting you didn't know what was going through his mind. Just admit you overstepped your bounds, and move the fuck on, son.
so you think you can read minds now? What the fuck are you doing here you should be out making millions.
even funnier is how abysmal the redskins are from top to bottom. From the racist team name to the worst owner in sports to the most awful fans, the redskins are the worst franchise in the NFL.
Dez has forgotten more about what it means to be a real competitor than you ever will know, so shut the fuck up with your wannabe hot takes and go back to playing Madden.