
If the murder of a 20 year old kid isn't enough to be outraged about then the world is lost.

Your continued insistence on defending a murderer is breathtaking in its stupidity and recklessness.

And yo.u should continue to display how you think murder is ok as long as its someone you like doing the killing

Its hard to stop or avoid anyone or anything when you've you've the gas mashed to the floor.

Using your vehicle to last out at someone who dies as a result of that action is the very definition of murder.

Equating a sprint cup driver to a train engineer is the most insane defense of this murderer I've heard yet.

Right, keep on defending the murderer. It speaks volumes about your character (or your complete lack of it).

This isn't a debate. Its a discussion of someone like you defending a murderer.

This isn't normal traffic you twit.

Are you all caught up with the rest of the class and realize murder doesn't require premeditation? Or do you need to read the material again?

Why do you continue to excuse the actions of a murderer by equating them to the non controlled real world?

Why do you feel the need to defend a murderer ? If he had killed your kid would you be using this same insane line of reasoning?

I'm not even a NASCAR fan yet even I am aware of Stewarts temper and confrontations with other drivers.

Distance estimations are completely different than hearing the car's engine rev or see Stewart pitch a Ward.

Try again, moron:

Trying to call a race the same as traffic anywhere else proves you, sir, are the fucking moron.

Goddamnit misspelled "definitions".

For first degree murder yes. You do realize you can be guilty of murder without premeditation don't you? Oh wait your post tells us all you don't.

Telling me not to be outraged over a kid getting killed by the actions of an out of control Stewart tells me exactly what side you're on.

NASCAR fans have a well deserved reputation for being less than bright, redeemable folks.