Gawker is a gossip blog that sometimes trips up and posts news. This was no even linked on Gawker’s main page. I’ll be sure to check the “Dog” blog for comparable ire from you. Have you seen the amount of non-news they post on that bullshit?
OK, here goes: I am sorry that you ventured to a motorcycling enthusiasts’ blog (read: not a news site), clicked on a link to a harmless and fun video (also not labeled as news), and then got unreasonably upset that there was no news presented. I am sorry that the evil 2 year old hurt you with his privilege. I weep…
I’ve been teaching my 4 yo how to drive in Grid Autosport using a Thrustmaster racing wheel/pedal set with 3 27" monitors in surround... am I being a bad person?
Who is preemptively butthurt? My money is on the guy who got pissed about a child who has a sweet opportunity.
This isn’t just a “news” blog, ya know.
This is a motorcycling enthusiasts’ blog. You could argue your idiotic, salty, misguided logic on the majority of the articles on this site. Maybe you should try fucking off?
This isn’t a news website. This is a motorcycle specific blog, which is part of an automotive blog, which is part of a conglomerate of blogs on various topics. This website does not pretend to be a news site. If you want news then go to CNN or something.
Yes, this. In spades. Portraying this as “rich kids” playing with toys undercuts the accomplishment of learning how to handle motorized equipment at a very young age.
So a pocketbike and a kart equal rich privilege? Seriously? The kart that kid was in is probably less than $1000 all in, and the pocketbikes can be had for $300 new. I would hardly consider someone who can afford that to be a 1%er lol. Just because people have different spending priorities than you doesn’t make them…
Holy crap you just annoyed me enough to go through the effort of creating an account.
You are right. They should not be able to enjoy the wealth their families have created for them. God forbid parents use the money they’ve worked for. I guess they should just throw it all away and not provide the life they wish for their children.
We get it. You didn’t have a motorcycle as a child. I didn’t either. Somehow, I am not salty as fuck about this and can enjoy a kid that did absolutely nothing wrong. I have been around racing for a good chunk of my life and I have seen that the kids who start out crazy young have passionate parents, not necessarily…
I get your point. But I was specific for a reason, here is a link to the bike page.…
being realistic... you’re looking at 1k in riding gear for each kid, the kart is over a grand, and the bike is in the 800s or higher (all in USD)
that said.. the exact same vid could have been shot on a razor electric bike that costs less than a powerwheels, the kid needs less than $100 in gear, so a $500 budget would…
It costs $339 for the bike, helmet, gloves, and joint pads. I know rich is a relative term, but we are talking about less money than a smartphone or game console. Hardly analogous to the surrogate scenario you just created.
From hanging out with my 2.5yr old nephew, it’s the precision motor skills that I’m impressed with here, not that their parents can buy them cool stuff.
Damn, man. Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?