
Kudos for keeping the sunshine on what GG is perpetrating, I’m sure it’s not easy decision to make. Gamergate is clearly a criminal organization.

Jezebel seems to be full of legal eagles trying every which way but lose to pretend that things like the legal concept of Duress don’t exist, feminism doesn’t exist, rape doesn’t exists, people breaking contracts don’t exist, arbitration and mediation don’t exist, financial and reputational pressure don’t exist, etc.

id just like to point out that all this shading thrown on various female celebs for not supporting Kesha is yet another form of society being biased against women. There are a tiny handful of male celebs who went Free Kesha, including Snoop Dog and some producers. Where are the big Male superstar actors and musicians?

she stood up against Bill Cosby when few others were doing it, and she risked her career. life is complicated and people are not always on the right side of history. i dont agree with her very often and i her show is not for me, but i cant call her a “horrible human being” just because she is abrasive and mean.

none of this excuses the behavior of Sony executives. this comment board is filled with legal scholars missing the forest for the trees.

lets not bicker, and argue, about who raped who. this is supposed to be a Capitalist country, where your abstract lattice framework of corporate legal theory is far more important than someones basic human rights.

ha ha, that old rag. constitution is so 18th century. nowdays, we torture, we search and seize, hell we should start quartering troops. i hate it when lawyers talk about the constitution. its like, get over it!

You know, i think it’s implied in a contract that you dont get raped by the counterparty. If its not, then contract law is fucking worthless and so is the legal system that created it, supports it, and argues for it.

“There is really no basis for voiding a commercial contract on the basis of a claim of rape”

lets imagine that you are a human being in charge of Sony and you know all this shit.

im glad to know that we have, slowly, over the past 10,000 years, managed to build a dispute-resolution system that has no connection to morality. yay humans. go us.

yeah. two ordinary individuals. One, a multi billionaire with thousands and thousands of employees, lawyers, executives, distribution deals, monopolistic relationships with every form of creative channel including film, tv, internet, etc. You know, lots of “individuals” fit that description.

you know it’s funny, i am forced to pay taxes, and those taxes went to pay a lot of broken contract obligations (literally, collateralized debt obligations) that the big banks and hedge funds got bailed out over in 2008. No, they didnt ‘pay the government back’, they cooked the books and lied about it. love hearing

Yes, let’s not bicker and argue about who raped who. Everyone knows it just as likely that Kesha raped this guy, as he raped her. Artists are constantly raping music executives. There are so many stories, so many books and films made about this horrible problem that you just dont hear much about in the media. Someone

At what point do we decide that the General Benefit of Society is best served if fucking rapists don’t get to force people to work with them. Where is the analysis of Fundmanetal Social Collapse that might come if basic human rights continue to be flushed down the toilet year after year after year. We decided torture

because its the principle of the thing. you know, morality? right and wrong? the fact that some piece of shit abused her, her employer didn’t care, and the legal system didn’t care, is not going to be solved by the cloud. this is about justice.

I’m sorry how worried were the founders about the right and proper approach to law when it concerned the native american tribes, the slaves, etc? In theory the legal system has principles, in reality it is most of the time “might makes right”. Its why lawyers are a rich upper caste and the masses die in the street

You know it’s funny, all those 20+ big banks, like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, etc, who were holding worthless contracts against Collateralized Debt Obligations in 2008 got bailed out by the taxpayers for 2 trillion dollars and those contracts meant nothing.