
I’d rather VW turn Scout into a range of electric SUV’s retrodesigned as modern versions. The Small Scout 800 and the larger Scout II, both two-door, with Traveller four-door versions of both as well. BEV with a small rotary ICE as a genny for extended excursions and work use.  Have versions with a bed as well maybe.

If you read the article... they’re not asking for money or MuH rEpErAsHuNz.  They’re asking Jeep not to be dicks.  

My anecdotal experience is that a good number of Jeep drivers have zero, nada, nil interest in treading lightly or respecting nature in general... especially when on trail rides with their own inclusive group. I’ve seen the results of too many “hold my beer and watch this”, and their feeling safe enough in numbers to

Why does he install fart noises, or have the models of his blandmobiles spell out S3XY, or tweet nonsense, or, or, or,....

What you call a “bold move”, I call a reprehensibly irresponsible financial decision made by a glorified moneyman with a kid named as a MAC address. He-Lon’s fortunate that A) Bitcoin is as volatile as it is, and B) he can rally his masses of idiots to do his bidding, whether financial or otherwise, at the press of a

Why not pay those bIg BuCkS to the employees staying home unexpectedly?  He could disrupt the fuck out of auto manufacturing with that kind of policy.

I’m to believe “Yeet” in this case fits better... as in “Yeet one’s self off a cliff”.

Do I understand correctly that the only reason He-Lon stays in CA is for the Carbon credits or some such? Why TF doesn’t he just leave CA lock, stock, and barrel?

So, this is one area of Auto Manufacture he’s not willing to “Disrupt”.  

Imagine losing paid time at work on short notice, after watching the head of the company Yeet the budget for PR and R&D on cryptocurrency for the lulz. (obligatory fart noise 69#420)

I worked with that dude... He’s good people.  Also a new dad...

When looking for my Scout project two years ago, I was really surprised at the number of Corvairs for sale in my area, many still running.

An entire industry could be founded reminding drivers on every highway across the board exactly how far they are from Wall Drug and Reptile Gardens.

My wife impressed me with her choice of vehicles when we first met in 2013... a 98 Volvo S70 with an 850R block and computer. Not only that, but she drove with incredible restraint and only let on what was under the hood after a highway entrance I’ll never forget. I’ll admit the initial growl of the motor upon

We can really thank 6 years of overt, admitted obstruction by the (R) controlled congress for much of that...

Isn’t there a VHS vs. BetaMax moral in here somewhere?

I had to license a vehicle in CA that had sat stagnant in their DMV records since the early 90's. I’m a recent transplant to this state, and coming from MN, I had nothing but dread even thinking about the process I’d have to go through to get a ‘68 derelict insured and licensed.

We ditched cable 8 years or so ago... 5 streaming services is more than plenty. We’re finally watching our way through Mary Tyler Moore, a show that came on before my wife and I know what TV was... that’s programming that’s paid for itself in spades and honestly better written than 95% of new shows.

Charlie Parr... MN Folk Blues.  He just finished a 5 weekend residency at First Avenue in Minneapolis in January, all available (6+ hours of live music) on youtube... if folk/blues are your bag, you can’t get much better, as he styles his play after Spider John Koerner... a player so adept he was known to just add

I don’t have cable, facebook, or twatter... I’m able to get angry enough at what’s been done to our democratic republic over the past 6 years without them, and it all lies at the feet of the party that swore to obstruct Obama into one term. The same party who did absolutely fuck-all about their own constituents