As a person who’s added almost 70 lbs of sound deadening, Modern seats, disc brakes and fuel injection to a late 60's 4x4, it still doesn’t matter. It’s quieter, but buzzes and huzzes different areas of my cab at different rpm’s.
As a person who’s added almost 70 lbs of sound deadening, Modern seats, disc brakes and fuel injection to a late 60's 4x4, it still doesn’t matter. It’s quieter, but buzzes and huzzes different areas of my cab at different rpm’s.
Yeah... Mr. Morris wouldn’t be the first one I’d start chewing on, there, guy. Pretty sure he’d take you apart before lunchtime, and put you back together so your mom would actually love you.
Depends wholly on who told you what “Socialism” is, and why you should hate it, right? How many are educated enough to even argue what it is, much less its benefits and costs vs. capitalism? Not enough to hear the number of people weighing in (poorly) on it.
You argue like a fucking 4 year old who just learned the word “no”.
All the Wranglers I saw in Fairbanks had Angry Eyes. Pretty sure they’d like to be left alone.
Fox news has a disclaimer about it actually being “Entertainment”... Franken had a bit on it years ago on Air America.
The classic rock hippies in my neck of the woods all have old Landies, Cruisers, or old Bronco’s... Every one of them restored to near mint condition, the only soil to besmirch them is the feathery silt from cruises through the Vineyards.
“If You Can Read This, Please Tell The Driver What It Says.”
Potters Pasties in Minneapolis would like a word... especially the Thai Veg. I’d drag myself across the country over broken glass by my chapped lips to get another. Fortunately there are other methods.
Star for making me read Funyuns as if it were French.
Agrees in International Harvester.
Bus drivers, train operators, many ferry and waterway captains, pretty much any toll booth worker, etc.
Minnesota police officers are now required to have their body cam on during the entirety of any engagement... I don’t know why that wasn’t a requirement when they first became mandatory, but it’s a step forward.
We looked at the overall benefits regarding future energy independence, added value to the home, etc. If our county hadn’t offered such generous incentives (IIRC 20-25% rebate on the solar upgrade, coupled with a tax break equaling 25% of the cost of the new steel roof needed to support the new solar as our tile and…
Not to mention, states which legalize usually expunge the records of any non-violent Cannabis violations...
Due to the fires in our area, a battery/solar makes much more sense than the propane genny I had to stand in line for hours to get fuel for. For what it’s worth, I’ve kept that generator for redundancy, it’s a “tri-fuel” so I can technically run it with NG from the house... but we’re also earthquake-prone.
5kw solar added to our 3kw existing... plus upgrading the controller and installing LG battery units is a whopping $40k... added to our $40k steel roof upgrade (less ability to catch fire) made for a heavy spending year. Our county subsidized IIRC over 20% of both the roof and solar/storage upgrade. Once we saw what…
That’s the thing here... a full disc conversion/replacement coupled with a fuel injection kit would pay for themselves if the drivetrain is solid.
Photos were on Coleman Valley Rd. I’m a bit west of Santa Rosa.