“Shut down all the Garage Masters in the Retention Area... Got it.”
“Shut down all the Garage Masters in the Retention Area... Got it.”
LOL if you think Tricare is anything to brag about... Take it from a guy who grew up as an enlisted man’s son. Get fucked. I’m still recovering from a childhood of military Dentists, base visits, never keeping friends due to moving every three years, and the smell of Mothballs (my dad was in logistics, aka supply).…
I know the only reason some non-union short-haul drivers have literally any benefits at all is due to the Teamsters... I’ve been both Teamster and non.
Uhaul also had to pay a 250K fine after theMNPCA found where my boss told me, under penalty of getting fired, to dump our tanks full of fleet maintenance fluids in the field behind the store.
This is the right take, in my book. from Olympic doping schemes to poisoning expats and spies... there doesn’t seem to be any sector of business or government that isn’t run by criminals and thugs... and not the “Pork for my District” kind of corrupt, but the “Number Of People Who Pissed Off Someone Of Influence Dying…
Everything to do this in 18 months... and a lovely day of consistent, needed, pouring rain testing the weatherstripping I hacked in. My turn signals, brake lights, dash wiring, and clutch linkage finally operate as they should, making licensing the next step.
VW has the ability to jump into the Off-Road business by co-opting the Scout badge from Navistar...
I’ve recently had to re-learn how to drive an engaging vehicle again. Manual steering and brakes, having to double-clutch occasionally, and a solid front axle make for a flurry of activity behind the wheel that I haven’t had the pleasure to enjoy for a couple decades... I forgot how fun driving a vehicle that tells…
Summer of ‘91 I was 17, working at Nick’s Service station in Florissant, MO... there was some sort of a car show/meet held somewhere in the metro that Sunday. I was getting ready to close up for the night, ~7:30 or so when a Shelby AC Cobra eased in from the access road with a very low, yet not floppy, rear tire.
Do you want an even longer Mountain Dew and Dorito-dusted Screed? Let them be...
I’d love to hear their take on Ayn the Randian literally dying while willfully suckling on the Social Teat.
Mazda’s re-purposing their rotary just for this purpose, IIRC.
Meh. It’s a good faith offer by Ford... it’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Volvo for sure, but we’ve not owned anything newer than an 07... The three International Harvesters I’ve owned (Scout 800, Scout II, Scout Terra) have never let me down mechanically (aside from unintentional self-sabotage), I’ve owned three Ford’s that were reliable, although had 19 recalls on one of them (97 F-150).
Hey, hey, now... calm down. there’s no need to get irrational here.
Thanks for the hot take. We were all wondering.
I can honestly say my 108 hp, 18o ft lbs. moves a little 4x4 quite nicely.
Is this the new Norm for Jalop? A three-day-old story covered in every other news aggregator? Jesus, Kinja... stop browsing Reddit to source all your content.
We had an early (read: huge) satellite dish when we lived in N MN in the early-mid 80's, Dad was always a car guy, rally raced in his early years between naval bases down south. I can’t recall the channel it was on, but we got to see Michelle Mouton race in a number of gravel and tarmac stages. I was 10-11 yrs old at…
Anecdotal, but my Aunt is notorious for not driving her truck enough. She had a Ram 1500, 2012, that had to have the shocks replaced at 12,000 miles in 2018. The shocks hadn’t operated enough to keep the seals lubricated.