
My original intent for my Scout 800 was an electric conversion. When it becomes affordable and easy enough it will get done. I figure I’ve got 5 more years on the original 196, I’ll see what makes sense then.

Also... Eke.  Yikes.

Mandalorian lore speaks of a war with the Jedi. I’m sure since Mando’s not up to speed apparently on Mandalorian lore, he’s going to try to find another who may have a clue. It’s semi-explained in the beginning voice-over, IIRC.

On a whim, My wife and I watched the Documentary “Crip Camp” about the activist movement that got many of these regulations adopted in the 60's and 70's... ‘til then, what we consider now to be livable disabilities could actually kill you due to your environment a half century ago.

I did a full rewire on my Scout 800, it’s a worthwhile project... takes all the guesswork out of any wiring issues, especially with IHC and their “Use all green wires with color coded stripes that fade after 5 years”.  Also, it’s nice having a fuse panel rather than 25 different inline fuses scattered throughout. 

My Honda quad was a TRX.

My Scout 800 is getting its insurance-mandated safety inspection completed today, and I’ll be driving it home. All new body, motor, and trans mounts done. 4 wheel disc brake conversion. Removed and treated all the glass, replaced weatherstripping and welded a patch where the J.C. Whitney plexi and aluminum sunroof was

A Reliant manual wagon, a Reliant auto sedan, and the pinnacle... our 1986 Plymouth Caravelle. The only car my dad ever bought from a dealership, and that’s because my sainted uncle was a salesman back then. All three had the N/A 2.2, (Forgot about the ex-rental Dodge Shadow my dad had for a month + two sets of tires

Scimitar Lobber.

Auto strains are garbage.  

I grew up right between where Polaris and Arctic Cat produced sleds, Dad worked for AC in the 70's, and a cousin was a test rider and engineer for Polaris/Victory for decades. The writing was on the wall for snowmobiling when they had to trailer machines 2 hours north of the factory in Roseau to find enough snow to

If anything, the above monstrosity is the result of about 10-15 4X Salvia rips from a waterpipe.

A friend is going through Transmission Withdrawal on his 2012 VW, I’m trying to get him to buy a mechanic-owned 01 XC70 for a fraction of the replacement cost, with a $1500 buffer for unintended maintenance and he’ll still be $2k under the repair bill.  Never. Another. ICE. VW. (unless air-cooled).

Sigh.  What about the Scout 80 and 800?  The Scout II we had didn’t have one, I’m not sure if there was one from the factory.  

This dude Elons.

Did...did you just confuse Wil Wheaton and Joss Whedon, or was it Autocarrot?

Because muh chevvy mumble mumble MERKUH!

My 3.2l 4 cylinder is torquey as all get out.  The way it’s geared it’ll climb a goddamn tree in 3rd.

I’ll take “Best Metaphor for the Republican Party” for $2000, Alex.

Funny thing is, my 68 has Unobtainium Axle shafts... (username correlates to the machinist who worked magic) I’ll be using mine for medium duty at worst. One small slip or misjudgment and those 53 year old axles with a grand worth of disc brakes just became paperweights. Then finding and fitting two new ones... hell