
The Nissan Diesel, from the mouth of the guy filling his 76 next to our 79 345 at a gas station in Tomah, WI said it was the most mournful thing to get up to highway speed. Meanwhile ours had a top speed of 70 (and it would get there pretty damn quick for its day), If I remember correctly after these 27 years.

Soon, Jalopnik.... Very soon.

9/11 is so 20 years ago. 192,000 is the New Hotness.

I started watching it S1E3, and triedtriedtried to get my friends to give it a go. The ones who did are still in my corral of friends, while the others who didn’t slowly flaked off my life like so much dried Cheeze Whiz.  This show has been an endless fount of one-liners I can share with fellow Venchmen (My buddy back

JG does great work... I didn’t realize ‘til this year that he wrote the Archer theme as well.

But isn’t powder blue...

Your age and social status don’t prevent you from sounding fragile, nor owning a stock ticker... you do a fair amount of screeching about “sjw’s” that I find hilarious. There’s a good reason I know nothing about you, you’re anonymous on a public website. Flawless logic, duder.   

Calm down Trevor... maybe soothe yourself by listening to your 20's-era stock ticker, or raising the rent on an unwed mother.

But are you safe?


The Hero We (who share shop space with garage space) Deserve!

That’s good to know. I may have had my CL filters set tight, too.

I like it when people raise their kids right.

I stopped looking when I got my last project about a year ago, but I don’t remember seeing many 2 series in the LA area for less than $3500... I remember seeing a few ads that had a dozen or so 240 models in the lot, and many in good shape, just not that cheap.

T5R is the best swap.  Keep it in the family.

NP... There’s an r/volvo post of someone who snagged a 242 GT for $600, in good enough shape.  Seeing that made me want to do a 2 series T5R swap when my Scout is done.  Price is a little high, but try to find one that hasn’t been molestered to the point of disinterest.

ND.  I’d take the $88k 

Didn’t the Dukes of Hazzard remove a significant percentage of ‘69 chargers from the world?